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Towny Issues

Started by Lilly Knight , Jan 12 2017 06:38 PM

Best Answer Annnub , 17 January 2017 - 02:16 AM

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Lilly Knight
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Hey, Lilly Knight here. I'm not sure if this should go in Bug Reports or in Help Me... so I just decided to put it here.


I hadn't logged into Towny for a few days, as I had been busy on Knockturn. I still had people in my town who worked for me by farming. Well, when I logged on last night, I set my town's status to Public, so that my friend could teleport to my town to see it. She typed in the command (/t spawn TheLonePhoenix). She did this and said that TheLonePhoenix was unauthorized. I thought that she didn't have enough money, so I typed the command to send her ten dollars. It told me I didn't have sufficient funds, so I typed /bal.


I saw that I had 0 dollars. I checked my town bank to see that it had 100. I am very confused, as I had around 17k in my /bal and about 3k in my town bank just a few days ago. I went through my chests and sold a bunch of items and typed /t spawn TheLonePhoenix , and it worked for me. I told my friend to type it again, but she said it was still unauthorized.


I went to /spawn to give her some items, and then went back to my town. I looked through some chests and saw I was missing items, but didn't think about it considering some town members could have taken it. But then, I went into the bedroom in our town's house and looked in my chests. I was missing a lot of items (it was mostly building supplies and a few galleons so I'm not going to cry over it.) Those chests are locked and nobody else is added to them except for myself.


I also went to my pen in my town, and saw that ANOTHER one of my pigs and cows had died. I had just went out and explored a long ways to get pigs and cows back in it, so I don't understand why they keep dying. There's grass and torches in the pen, and as far as I know that's all they need to survive. I also find it funny that all my sheep are fine in the other identical pen.


So, can somebody help me with this? Is there something I'm doing wrong? Thank you!


Edit: i just checked and there are only four sheep in my pen now. They used to all be dyed, and these are all white. Do I need to open the pens up to put light inside of it? I'm so confused ;-;

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  • PinkiePurples
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This sounds like the cause of someone in your town. Make sure you trust everyone in your town. I would say it might be someone in your account, but they would have done something on main world too if that's the case.

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Lilly Knight
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This sounds like the cause of someone in your town. Make sure you trust everyone in your town. I would say it might be someone in your account, but they would have done something on main world too if that's the case.

All the people in my town are fellow Ravens who I trust completely. The thing is, how would they take money out of MY account? How would they get into the chests that are locked ONLY for me? How would they get into the pens to kill the animals if the trapped doors are locked ONLY to me?


I doubt my account was hacked, because if it was, I'm guessing the password would be changed, and it would cause a lot more damage. I mean, if someone went through all the trouble to hack it just to transfer 18k to themselves, I'm guessing they would transfer all my galleons or books to themselves as well?

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