Hello Everyone,
We are going to be opening up a new 'positions' called professor assistant in the server. It's going to be a non-staff position that will allow someone to assist in a class, guide for professors, & try and keeps the class calm. These are the rules of a professor assistant:
1) Is not a Professor
2) Is at least Year 3
3) Has at least 200 House points
4) Applies in the Staff Applications Forums with the professor assistant form
5) Generally Does not break rules
6) Very well versed in various classes & knows the general subject.
Professor Assistant Tasks:
1) Guiding to Classes
2) Enforcing rules in class in a way that aids the professor.
3) Reading off the rules at the start of class.
Hopefully this will work out.
Age limit ?
Need Teamspeak ?
How does it work?
Once you are a professor assistant, a professor can ask you to help them. You don't beg them, and they have the choice to have one or not.