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Started by Risau , Jan 24 2016 07:19 AM

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  • Risau
  • Muggle
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  • 2 posts
  • IGN:Risau Wilkins

Ummm, I can't find RavenClaw's Commons Rooms. If someone could help me that would be nice...

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Lisa Flume
  • Lisa Flume
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Hey! When you're online, you can try asking other fellow Ravenclaws to show you!
If you press 'tab' in-game, you can see a list of online players. Make sure some are online then you can ask in House Chat for someone to show you if asking in global is not working.

To use House Chat: type a question mark symbol before your text
Ex.) ?Only Ravenclaws will see this

Otherwise, find a staff member and they can direct you to some help. :)
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  • Crane
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  • IGN:Liam Blishwick

I think I showed them it yesterday :)

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  • Risau
  • Muggle
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  • 2 posts
  • IGN:Risau Wilkins

oh yeah. I eventually got someone to show me.

my house doesn't normally reply when you ask them to show you where the commons are...

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