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Disappearing Items?

Started by BadKitty123 , Feb 04 2016 10:19 PM

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  • BadKitty123
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Hello there! I strangely noticed something a couple days ago, but didn't get any help. Finally, a staff member told me to post on the fourms. Now, let me tell you my problem. A few days ago, I bought probably two stacks of cookies from a store. I also bought quite a few book and quills from another store. Since all the book and quills didn't fit in my inventory, I put the majority of them in my enderchest. A day or two later, I noticed I didn't have any book and quills in my inventory for class. I thought I had left some there, but I wasn't worried because I knew there would be a lot n my enderchest. When I looked in my enderchest, all of my book and quills were gone. I didn't move them at all, so I had no idea where they could possibly be. Then just today, my hunger bar was betting low until I remembered I had a couple stacks of cookies. Not in my enderchest. Then I was upset. Where were my things? Which, of course, is why I came here. I would like to know if any other player has had similar issues, has a solution, or if I just lost them somehow...

Thanks for your time! -Skai Hunter (AKA BadKitty123) :)

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  • Jennibuilddablox
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Check your ./profile and your invictory too. the same happened to me once, i was literally sent back in time. I lost a bunch of portkeys and like 20 points and other stuffs.

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  • BadKitty123
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Check your ./profile and your invictory too. the same happened to me once, i was literally sent back in time. I lost a bunch of portkeys and like 20 points and other stuffs.

What does my profile have to do with this? Also, I would assume you meant inventory? I already did, as I mentioned above.

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  • Jennibuilddablox
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i got sent back in time, literally. My profile points were what they were a few days ago, same with my inventory * and e chest.

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  • BadKitty123
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i got sent back in time, literally. My profile points were what they were a few days ago, same with my inventory * and e chest.

Eh, okay. Hopefully staff will help soon. 

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  • Pandette
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  • Richela
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Hey, if you happen to see me in game, just message me. I'll replace your stuff right away.

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  • BadKitty123
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  • IGN:BadKitty123

Hey, if you happen to see me in game, just message me. I'll replace your stuff right away.

Oh, thats nice of you. Only problem is I'm not quite sure how many book & quills I had..

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