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Started by Thalli Take , Feb 05 2016 01:15 AM

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Thalli Take
  • Thalli Take
  • N.E.W.T. Student
  • Student
  • 227 posts
  • IGN:bagged_milk

So I was letting my mind wander when I thought, what if there's something huge to dig out? I realize that this may or may not be something you can accomplish without a bunch of work/digging/mining by humans. I also realize that there's probably several people who are able to get the job done, but I still think it would be cool and possibly a way for people to get money. 

A few people could create the shape and perimeter of a space underground, and then other people could come in with pickaxes and then sign up when they want by clicking a sign. Said people can then help mine out the blocks inside the perimeter.  For a certain amount of blocks that they mine, people can earn a certain amount of galleons. Once they hit a certain point, they will not be allowed to mine any more blocks.They will not be able to sign up for the same build, relog to reset it, or anything like that. This could also be if someone signed up and then they're assigned a certain amount of blocks that they are allowed to mine out, which would be the same amount for every person, and if they do not mine the blocks in a certain time limit, they lose that assignment so that someone else is able to take it. (1 hour, something small so that you aren't depending one one person to finish their job)

Basically, this would give people a way to help make something in the server and make money at the same time, while keeping it fair for the people who are working. 

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