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Suggestions for some(uhm many) spell changes

Started by Crane , Feb 17 2016 09:07 PM

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  • Crane
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So for starters: I apologize for upsetting or making you all take out your NO-stamps and beating me to death with them.
I have long been mumbling about spell changes and I got told to come up with some ideas for it then so I grabbed the strongest spellcaster I know @Kwesi and went through the list.
Some, if not most will seem unreasonable but remember this is only how we imagined the spells would work on the server and how we would balance them from our perspective.
Also this is most likely not entirely Kwesi's perspective since I wrote it - lol.

Duo Flares - A vertical flare with simple firework.
As of right now Duo Flares are as useless as farting in the wind. If they were put at a 10s cast delay and were a low-particle vertical flare with a simple, colored firework-ball in the top, they would serve as beacons in much the same way as the Flares were in the Books/movies.

Rictusempra - Cap at 30s effect
Currently this seems like is has no upper effect-cap at all with people reaching times of up to 15m.
As this is described as a short tickleling which cripples the opponent we would suggest it is capped at around 30s of effect.

+ Titillando - Tickeling Hex - Cap at 60s effect - no rebouncing.
The Tickeling hex is a part of the Harry Potter Trading Game. it would be a suitable "Higher tier" tickle spell which would do about the same as rictusempra yet have no "rebounce" from blocks and have a higher cap. This we would set to 60s.

Bombarda - Cap damage at 6dmg(3 hearts)

The spell does blow the door open in the movies but we think that for a Tier 3 spell it is far too powerful. We would suggest it lowered to 3 hearts of damage.

+ Bombarda Maxima - Cap damage at 12dmg(6 hearts)

The more powerful version of the spell - it seems as if it would fit well with the current damage profile for bombarda. Suggested tier would be around 6-7

Confringo - Buff up a bit again

Since a lot of new spells has been added and the mobs has gotten a lot of health, the once strong Tier 8 Confringo is like farting in the wind. you can't damage anyone or anything with it.
We would like it buffed up to a point where it would do around 6 Hearts at cap and give a few fire ticks after - it is after all the Blasting Curse and most likely the strongest of the 3.

Sectumsempra - Rework damage mechanics.
Sectumsempra is a semi strong spell and with a lot of practice it can be deadly. However we would like it changed a bit:
When first hit the victim starts bleeding slowly and as the spell effect continues(if the casters level is strong enough) the "Cuts" get deeper and deeper, resulting in more and more damage taken from each hit. It should be fatal if not treated within 30s and while Episkey might be a good idea at first, soon the damage would be to quick to heal.

Vicis Vulpes - Damage indication and a damage cap at 8dmg (4 Hearts)
Vicis vulpes is a nice little tier 5 spell, which damages the enemy while healing the caster a bit. The only issue with it is that if the caster is skilled the spell does insane damage (Kwesi does 10 hearts in 1 hit) and is instantly fatal. Instantly fatal spells should be avoided and we would much more prefer spells working like Sectumsempra or 2-3 hit-to-kill spells in terms of duels. We would like the damage cap at 8dmg (4 Hearts) as it also heals the caster.

Impedimenta - Cap as 30s
Impedimenta is an impairment jinx, lasting only 10 seconds when consulting the Wikia.
We think there is something right about that, but it should be capped at 30s to have any form of impact in a duel.

Stupefy - Cap at 2-3 minutes max
Stupefy is a great spell and all but way too many people have it at a point where you are slowed for 15+ minutes. (and some have infinite effects)
We would suggest it capped at a reasonable long but still "short term" effect so it is far superior in a duel yet doesn't extend into hours of sprint jumping and cussing.

Obscuro - Same as Impedimenta. Cap at 30s
Obscuro is a tier 2 spell and the only useful tier 2 for duels.
It was used to "conjure" a blindfold over a persons eyes in a painting they were hiding in in the Books.

+ Rennervate - Counterspell to stupefy/impedimenta
Yea, well counterspell to both of those. Since Counters are generally the tier of the spell or 1 higher we would suggest tier 5-6.

Episkey - Cap healing at around 2.5 hearts (5dmg)
This is a minor healing spell. it can only heal broken noses and bruises, not reattach torn limbs.
The low 2.5 heart cap woul then mean that there is room for another, higher tier healing spell which is more difficult to perform. (healing around 5 hearts at max)

Mucus ad Nauseam - As with most of the jinxes, set a cap at around 3m of effects.
Mucus is a higher tier spell but it is equivalent of Stupefy. Good students training it will easily reach durations ranging up to 10m and in our opinion it is just a bit too much. We would recommend 3m at max.

Alarte Ascendare - Harder movements
This spell is very OP as it can instakill opponents in areas with clear skies. We don't thing the effect of the spell should be changed but the fact that you are able to spam it so fast that you can "keep your ememy flying/falling" is more than enough. We dislike additions of timers and would rather see the movements for Alarte reworked to be harder. (4-5 movements would be fair)

Vulnera Sanetur - Work on Splinching
Vulnera would be really good if it could heal and counter the damage from Splinching when cast 3 times. The reasoning for this would be that it seems capable of healing deep wounds when used 3 times.
It also does take away the damage from Sectumsempra but it does not remove the "blood effect" which lingers.

Note on the cut-down times for spells.
Right now, casting any of the "slow/blind/prank" spells on someone is extremely annoying and very rude. This is especially if you have it at a high level where it linger way past "fun" or even useful.
Lowering the lesser spells to 30s would have it so much more fun pranking would occur, like in Hogwarts in the books and though there would be a bit more casting on others it would be less severe that having to deal with someone getting blinded for 10m because of some giggling tryhard(me).
People would be able to shake a misfired or prank spell off and mostly we would need to intervene if someone repeatedly casted on others.

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Veara Titan
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I like every single one of these spell ideas except:


1. The Alarte Movements getting harder. 3-4 movements seems better.

2. Episkey SHOULD heal at MAX 7 hearts in my opinion. 5 just seems a bit too low. Some people have extra hearts because of OTHER spells. And maxing out a spell is hard for some people, so if someone can't max out Episkey, they can at least get a good 4-6 hearts heal out of it.


Other than that, I love these ideas :)  

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  • Crane
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Right now Alarte is an extremely OP dueling spell - you have seen me use it. Add any random movement to the existing and any decent duelist will still be able to spam it too fast to even compete and that is just too unfair. it is also the only spell that would be 1-shot kill unless someone very skilled would cast spongefy downwards. 

I don't want it harder for my own sake, I want it harder because it will take all the fun out of almost any duel.

The Episkey thing would/could be Episkey as an easy healing spell and two more tiers up. or Episkey as a mid-range spell with 1 on each side.
Still most duels consist of episkey spam, protego spam and alarte/bombarda spam with the occational rictusempra/obscuro/stupefy tossed in.
having it at a 3-5-7 heart for low-mid-high tier healing would be okay as you aren't meant to fix anything but a broken nose with episkey xD

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  • SelfieSheep
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I think that you have been a bit to harsh on the debuff of some spells and if you intend of debuffing spells you should Debuff ALL spells otherwise we will just have the same problem again as we have now with confringo where most spell are "useless" and we got 1-2 spells that was not debuffed and therefore people would only use those few spells and then what is the point of having all those spells?


Rictusempra - Cap at 60sec effect at nonverbal

+ Titillando - Tickeling Hex - Cap at 120s effect - no rebouncing.



Confringo - Buff up a bit again 

Vicis Vulpes - the problem as far as I know is that Vicis Vulpes is based on distance so if you are at point blank you will one shot a person, so I would change how the spell worked so its based on spellcast on your wand and how much you have casted the spell

Obscuro - caps at 60s

Episkey - Cap healing at around 2.5 hearts (5dmg)
I like the idear of a debuff to Episkey IF there is another spell that is more powerfull to take the place of Episkey BEFORE you go ahead and debuff it. otherwise it would just render our only healing spell useless. .

Alarte Ascendare - Harder movements
so you want it to be Debuffed and give it harder movement? #confringo-all-over-again 

I dislike this alot, and I dont agree with this at all, if you should do something then you should choose to Debuff it OR give it harder movements. dont do both or we will be back to the confringo problem

"Note on the cut-down times for spells.
Right now, casting any of the "slow/blind/prank" spells on someone is extremely annoying and very rude. This is especially if you have it at a high level where it linger way past "fun" or even useful.
Lowering the lesser spells to 30s would have it so much more fun pranking would occur, like in Hogwarts in the books and though there would be a bit more casting on others it would be less severe that having to deal with someone getting blinded for 10m because of some giggling tryhard(me).
People would be able to shake a misfired or prank spell off and mostly we would need to intervene if someone repeatedly casted on others."


sure it will cut them down, but since attack spells are turned off in main world and only a few of the prank spells are even able to be casted in main, I cant see why this can be used as an argument to cripple most of the good spell SO MUCH in the spell book?

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  • Kwesi
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I like every single one of these spell ideas except:


1. The Alarte Movements getting harder. 3-4 movements seems better.

2. Episkey SHOULD heal at MAX 7 hearts in my opinion. 5 just seems a bit too low. Some people have extra hearts because of OTHER spells. And maxing out a spell is hard for some people, so if someone can't max out Episkey, they can at least get a good 4-6 hearts heal out of it.


Other than that, I love these ideas :)  

I disagree with you about Episkey: the spell is for minor wounds in real life, 5 health (2.5 hearts) seems appropriate to me for a minor healing spell. Episkey seems like the gateway spell into Healing Magic, I find it more logical to make it a better reflection of its canon nature. There are plenty of other spells that can heal more effectively, in my opinion. I personally think a nice addition would be to make those gifted in Healing able to heal up to 6 health (3 hearts) with this spell.


This, to me, would be a great opportunity to broaden Healing Magic. A minor healing spell like Episkey wouldn't be that effective in advanced duelling, there could be forms of Healing Magic to utilise in different situations that way. 


I don't think Healing Magic that increase hearts should be a major factor here. I think the main focus should be on how spells generally affect a player's natural health. Besides, that Healing Magic cannot be performed by most. For those who can use it, in the grand scheme of things, Episkey simply wouldn't be the best option if others are available to learn and use, which will be the case.


I think it's super important spells be as canon as we can make them; they'll feel more realistic, and in my opinion, make magic a bit more dynamic. You might disagree with me there but that's how I see it.

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Duo Flares: I agree, working on making them better.

Rictusenpra: There is actually a counter to this in the works as we speak that will stop this easily, not to worry, although a slightly higher cap would be better so it is still somewhat worth training.

Titilliando: If you do this, don't make it one tier higher than Rictusempra please, Impedimenta is basically useless with Stupefy being one tier higher. :P

Bombarda: Honestly, this spell is annoying to cast quickly, and for a newer player, it's your only shot at winning a duel unless you manage to actually land an Incendio, I say leave this as-is.

Bombarda Maxima: So... Confringo?

Confringo/Alarte: I'm sorry for breaking the order, but Imma rant here. Don't add a cool down or anything like that to Alarte, just lower the damage if you want to make it less OP! Confringo got TWO nerfs since I've been here and Alarte is still as strong as ever, it's pretty easy to spam even with how often it backfires since Nausea isn't even that big a deal anyway. Tl;Dr Either beef up Confringo or weaken Alarte, because the fact that it's easier to cast, a lower tier even, and has a virtually harmless backfire, and didn't get nerfed while Confringo got nerfed TWICE is ridiculous.

Sectumsemprs: Cool and all, but not enough people even know the spell for it to matter. :P

Impedimenta: Dude, a NONVERBAL Impedimenta doesn't do more than a minute, just leave it. XD

Stupefy: I could agree with this, although I think more like a 10 minute cap, the spell KNOCKS THE TARGET UNCONSCIOUS normally. :P

Obscuro: We have a ridiculously easy counterspell to Obscuro, if we did it this low, an Advanced level Nullum could wipe it out.

Rennervate: On the to-do list, but at the moment there is a bug with how these spells work that need fixing.

Episkey: With the amount of high damage spells in the game, capping Episkey cripples a lot of players, when someone can take out most of your health in one attack, you need to be able to heal rather well or be slaughtered by one of many super strong casters.

Mucus Ad Nauseam: I don't see too many people using this in a duel, but sure, although bear in mind it's actually a Curse and is not meant to be cured quickly.

Vulnera Sanentur: I agree with this, with the low amount of people who actually use Sectumsempra, Vulnera is pretty lackluster.

That's my opinion on those.
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  • Pandette
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I will look into all these suggestions over this weekend and possibly put them into play.  I plan on doing a lot of coding this weekend.  and We are going to be going into a rush to get a lot of code out on my end because SUMMER IS COMING (omgerd).  So on that note, you will see a lot of changes.  If someone can summarize everyone's comments on this after you are done discussing that would be nice.

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  • Crane
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  • IGN:Liam Blishwick

Confringo/Alarte: I'm sorry for breaking the order, but Imma rant here. Don't add a cool down or anything like that to Alarte, just lower the damage if you want to make it less OP! Confringo got TWO nerfs since I've been here and Alarte is still as strong as ever, it's pretty easy to spam even with how often it backfires since Nausea isn't even that big a deal anyway. Tl;Dr Either beef up Confringo or weaken Alarte, because the fact that it's easier to cast, a lower tier even, and has a virtually harmless backfire, and didn't get nerfed while Confringo got nerfed TWICE is ridiculous.

Sectumsemprs: Cool and all, but not enough people even know the spell for it to matter.  :P

Impedimenta: Dude, a NONVERBAL Impedimenta doesn't do more than a minute, just leave it. XD

The Confringo suggestion we had in mind would buff it to be as strong as bombarda maxima but for fire tick as well. Since it is the higher tier explosion spell it should be marginally stronger.

The Alarte suggestion was to make it a lot harder to cast due to changed movements (instead of 2 there would be 4 or even 5). Maybe the "max height" should be lowered from 64 to 32 total?

My Impedimenta lasts a LONG time and I can test it on you if needed. I think Gareotts does too :P

Sectumsempra - if it got to a point where it was usefull I would start casting it in duels. when it gets casted in duels it can be guessed and seen. Remember how Confringo spread like a fire? ;P


I will look into all these suggestions over this weekend and possibly put them into play.  I plan on doing a lot of coding this weekend.  and We are going to be going into a rush to get a lot of code out on my end because SUMMER IS COMING (omgerd).  So on that note, you will see a lot of changes.  If someone can summarize everyone's comments on this after you are done discussing that would be nice.

I will do my best to summarize and update on what people think and stuff when we have had a bit more debate :D

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Veara Titan
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I disagree with you about Episkey: the spell is for minor wounds in real life, 5 health (2.5 hearts) seems appropriate to me for a minor healing spell. Episkey seems like the gateway spell into Healing Magic, I find it more logical to make it a better reflection of its canon nature. There are plenty of other spells that can heal more effectively, in my opinion. I personally think a nice addition would be to make those gifted in Healing able to heal up to 6 health (3 hearts) with this spell.


This, to me, would be a great opportunity to broaden Healing Magic. A minor healing spell like Episkey wouldn't be that effective in advanced duelling, there could be forms of Healing Magic to utilise in different situations that way. 


I don't think Healing Magic that increase hearts should be a major factor here. I think the main focus should be on how spells generally affect a player's natural health. Besides, that Healing Magic cannot be performed by most. For those who can use it, in the grand scheme of things, Episkey simply wouldn't be the best option if others are available to learn and use, which will be the case.


I think it's super important spells be as canon as we can make them; they'll feel more realistic, and in my opinion, make magic a bit more dynamic. You might disagree with me there but that's how I see it.

When I think of this again, I agree with the Episkey debuff. But there HAS to be another, or even a few, healing spells that are just as powerful but more high tier. Making the spells on the server more closely related to the books is a good idea and I'm all for that idea. But there's just got to be more powerful spells that are "upgrades" to the spells from the books. If duelers can't duel themselves properly, then the duel will basically outcome to the person who can cast the most OP spell the fastest.

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Veara Titan
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The Alarte suggestion was to make it a lot harder to cast due to changed movements (instead of 2 there would be 4 or even 5). Maybe the "max height" should be lowered from 64 to 32 total?

"Damage = number of blocks fallen - 3.
Therefor, you'd need to fall 4 blocks to take any fall damage at all. One point of damage is half a heart. It would take a 23 block fall to take 20 damage, or 10 hearts, which if the maximum health."


I got this from googling it, and I'm basically saying that if you're going to nerf Alarte, make the MAX 24 blocks of fall.

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  • Kwesi
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When I think of this again, I agree with the Episkey debuff. But there HAS to be another, or even a few, healing spells that are just as powerful but more high tier. Making the spells on the server more closely related to the books is a good idea and I'm all for that idea. But there's just got to be more powerful spells that are "upgrades" to the spells from the books. If duelers can't duel themselves properly, then the duel will basically outcome to the person who can cast the most OP spell the fastest.

Yeah, that would be the idea. There should be more Healing Magic available and those more powerful spells could be more appropriate for advanced duelling. I can't say what will happen for sure but that's how I would prefer it, otherwise, Healing Magic becomes very bland.


As far as what you said about duelling, realistically, duelling is a lot like that, whoever cast the effective spell first and hits their targets usually wins. However, that makes duelling too simple in video games, so, of course, these needs to be an appropriate balance of duelling spells, and that's what I hope we'll get soon.

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Veara Titan
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I think we are starting to agree on certain spell ideas now, because if I'm reading correctly you're saying that we need more Healing Magic avaliable. I very much agree with this because I always thought that we needed more healing spells. I was pretty happy when they added The Extra Hearts Spell, but that only brought up the total amount of Healing spells to 3 (that I know of).

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  • SelfieSheep
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Duo Flares: I agree, working on making them better.

Rictusenpra: There is actually a counter to this in the works as we speak that will stop this easily, not to worry, although a slightly higher cap would be better so it is still somewhat worth training.

Titilliando: If you do this, don't make it one tier higher than Rictusempra please, Impedimenta is basically useless with Stupefy being one tier higher. :P

Bombarda: Honestly, this spell is annoying to cast quickly, and for a newer player, it's your only shot at winning a duel unless you manage to actually land an Incendio, I say leave this as-is.

Bombarda Maxima: So... Confringo?

Confringo/Alarte: I'm sorry for breaking the order, but Imma rant here. Don't add a cool down or anything like that to Alarte, just lower the damage if you want to make it less OP! Confringo got TWO nerfs since I've been here and Alarte is still as strong as ever, it's pretty easy to spam even with how often it backfires since Nausea isn't even that big a deal anyway. Tl;Dr Either beef up Confringo or weaken Alarte, because the fact that it's easier to cast, a lower tier even, and has a virtually harmless backfire, and didn't get nerfed while Confringo got nerfed TWICE is ridiculous.

Sectumsemprs: Cool and all, but not enough people even know the spell for it to matter. :P

Impedimenta: Dude, a NONVERBAL Impedimenta doesn't do more than a minute, just leave it. XD

Stupefy: I could agree with this, although I think more like a 10 minute cap, the spell KNOCKS THE TARGET UNCONSCIOUS normally. :P

Obscuro: We have a ridiculously easy counterspell to Obscuro, if we did it this low, an Advanced level Nullum could wipe it out.

Rennervate: On the to-do list, but at the moment there is a bug with how these spells work that need fixing.

Episkey: With the amount of high damage spells in the game, capping Episkey cripples a lot of players, when someone can take out most of your health in one attack, you need to be able to heal rather well or be slaughtered by one of many super strong casters.

Mucus Ad Nauseam: I don't see too many people using this in a duel, but sure, although bear in mind it's actually a Curse and is not meant to be cured quickly.

Vulnera Sanentur: I agree with this, with the low amount of people who actually use Sectumsempra, Vulnera is pretty lackluster.

That's my opinion on those.

I think the way we can solve the Confringo problem is to power up Confringo and add movements to Alarte, but I would also like to add, nobody wants any cooldown - sec between casts since it just makes the spells impossible to nonverbal and is just a bad thing for the server :)

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  • SelfieSheep
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Yeah, that would be the idea. There should be more Healing Magic available and those more powerful spells could be more appropriate for advanced duelling. I can't say what will happen for sure but that's how I would prefer it, otherwise, Healing Magic becomes very bland.


As far as what you said about duelling, realistically, duelling is a lot like that, whoever cast the effective spell first and hits their targets usually wins. However, that makes duelling too simple in video games, so, of course, these needs to be an appropriate balance of duelling spells, and that's what I hope we'll get soon.

but I hope that you agree that Episkey should not be debuffed before there have been added some more healing spells, since it would just cripple the duels alot? :)

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Andrew Longbottom
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What if instead of capping we nerf instead and add more counter spells? I know it's a lot of work but I really like the fact that you can work hard and train spells as much as you like.


Even if I have to deal with being tickled for 15 minutes.

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  • Crane
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I think the way we can solve the Confringo problem is to power up Confringo and add movements to Alarte, but I would also like to add, nobody wants any cooldown - sec between casts since it just makes the spells impossible to nonverbal and is just a bad thing for the server :)

That is exactly what we proposed in the initial thing yo :P
and @Veara Sinistra - I like the idea of a cap for Alarte at around 24 blocks of height so it won't instakill. I still want a bit more movements anyway xD

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Veara Titan
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I think the cap on Alarte AND the extra movements would be good. But I still think it should only be 1-2 more movements only.

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  • Kwesi
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Duo Flares: I agree, working on making them better.

Rictusenpra: There is actually a counter to this in the works as we speak that will stop this easily, not to worry, although a slightly higher cap would be better so it is still somewhat worth training.

Titilliando: If you do this, don't make it one tier higher than Rictusempra please, Impedimenta is basically useless with Stupefy being one tier higher. :P

Bombarda: Honestly, this spell is annoying to cast quickly, and for a newer player, it's your only shot at winning a duel unless you manage to actually land an Incendio, I say leave this as-is.

Bombarda Maxima: So... Confringo?

Confringo/Alarte: I'm sorry for breaking the order, but Imma rant here. Don't add a cool down or anything like that to Alarte, just lower the damage if you want to make it less OP! Confringo got TWO nerfs since I've been here and Alarte is still as strong as ever, it's pretty easy to spam even with how often it backfires since Nausea isn't even that big a deal anyway. Tl;Dr Either beef up Confringo or weaken Alarte, because the fact that it's easier to cast, a lower tier even, and has a virtually harmless backfire, and didn't get nerfed while Confringo got nerfed TWICE is ridiculous.

Sectumsemprs: Cool and all, but not enough people even know the spell for it to matter. :P

Impedimenta: Dude, a NONVERBAL Impedimenta doesn't do more than a minute, just leave it. XD

Stupefy: I could agree with this, although I think more like a 10 minute cap, the spell KNOCKS THE TARGET UNCONSCIOUS normally. :P

Obscuro: We have a ridiculously easy counterspell to Obscuro, if we did it this low, an Advanced level Nullum could wipe it out.

Rennervate: On the to-do list, but at the moment there is a bug with how these spells work that need fixing.

Episkey: With the amount of high damage spells in the game, capping Episkey cripples a lot of players, when someone can take out most of your health in one attack, you need to be able to heal rather well or be slaughtered by one of many super strong casters.

Mucus Ad Nauseam: I don't see too many people using this in a duel, but sure, although bear in mind it's actually a Curse and is not meant to be cured quickly.

Vulnera Sanentur: I agree with this, with the low amount of people who actually use Sectumsempra, Vulnera is pretty lackluster.

That's my opinion on those.

Rictusempra: If spells that should be countered had counterspells readily implemented or soon after then I wouldn't feel capping most spells would be necessary. Also, I disagree with what you say about Impedimenta: the jinx, to me, is very useful; the way in nature Impedimenta differs from Stupefy is something I like to utilise on a regular basis. The knockback and duration difference allows for precise spell casting; if I want to cast a stunning spell which does not knock the victim then Impedimenta is right there - whether it is PvP or PvE - it is there. I am frequently mindful of my victim's placement relative to their surroundings and my own position, but that's my personal defence.  :P 


Bombarda: I think this spell needs balancing. I definitely want lesser experienced duellists to have a viable duelling arsenal, however, this spell conjures explosions - it should be managed, whether it's with tiers or damage capping, I want something to be done. The explosion is only powerful enough to damage a small area moderately, damage capping makes sense to me here, and I am a fan of Bombarda Maxima actually being possible through this change.


Bombarda Maxima: This is supposed to cause a large explosion, one powerful enough to blow through thick walls, anyway, as we've seen. Confringo (the Blasting Curse) makes anything it touches burst into flames. Their functions should be different so they don't resemble each other too much, but that's up to what happens next. I am a fan of the fire ticks added because of this, it would really make Confringo more canon and more its own, and yeah, Confringo needs some desperate buffing, so why not this?


Alarte Ascendare: I personally have no problem with this spell and I don't feel it needs to be capped. The way in which it damages is very different, and there's already a spell that can counter damage it could deal. Looking at this spell as not only a combat spell but a utility spell is my angle here. More wand movements I can understand perfectly but not height capping - I think that should be left alone.


Sectumsempra: I don't feel just because it's not as popularly cast that it isn't necessary to balance it. I do think that it doesn't need to be as highly prioritised, but that's about all.


Episkey: I don't feel that it should be appropriate nerfed immediately, I do agree that, until future healing spells are implemented, it doesn't need to be nerfed, but I definitely feel it's necessary eventually, partly, to make room for more Healing Magic.

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  • Kwesi
  • N.E.W.T. Student
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  • IGN:Gareott Armstrong

I think we are starting to agree on certain spell ideas now, because if I'm reading correctly you're saying that we need more Healing Magic avaliable. I very much agree with this because I always thought that we needed more healing spells. I was pretty happy when they added The Extra Hearts Spell, but that only brought up the total amount of Healing spells to 3 (that I know of).

We agree about Healing Magic, for the most part. On a less relevant, personal note, I disagree with Vicis Vulpes and Ferula. Vicis Vulpes is not really compatible with other Harry Potter spells and is just out of place, also, the fact that it damages and heals should make it logically, a very complicated spell, which would mean its tier should be way up there, but it isn't really.


I also disagree with Ferula, I think it's quite messed up as it is now. I would have preferred the spell be more canon and be used to treat conditions that will possibly be implemented in the future. I think magic that causes a person to have more hearts would make much more sense as a potion, and a harder one to brew at that. The idea of a spell that just poofs you extra hearts for the rest of your life whenever you like is just OP and rather irksome to me, but whatever, it is what it is.

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  • Aquilonn
  • Wizengamot
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  • IGN:Andrew Arima

@Kwesi, let me explain to you why Spongify does not help with Alarte Ascendare. It has awkward movements that are annoying to perform in mid-air. Secondly: Unless you have it on retainer or Nonverbal, you will more likely than not be able to cast it before dying on the ground. Third: You have to cast it BEFORE you begin falling, which is maybe a few seconds, as you fall fasten than Spongify's particles move, I've tested this myself on multiple occasions. So unless you CONSTANTLY cast it around yourself, which is inconvenient, it is in my opinion, hardly an effective counter to Alarte and does not justify it not being capped.
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