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Class Times

Started by Andrew Longbottom , Feb 19 2016 02:51 AM

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Andrew Longbottom
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This idea's kindof out there so I can understand if it's denied. Also I'm sure it might have been talked about at some point but I figured I'd start a forum discussion about it.


I've noticed there's been lots of problems with the new influx of professors over times to teach. So I thought maybe instead of having to wait about 30-60 minutes after each class to teach, what if we could have simultaneous classes?


So like, only one professor for each subject can teach at a time, but DADA could have a class at the same times as Charms, for example. But instead of waiting for 6 hours DADA and Charms can teach after those classes too. That way, students could go to DADA the first class and Charms the second and the teachers have both taught two classes. 


Basically, when professors are on and have time to teach, they can teach as much as they want. We can bump up the minimum of classes per week. And that way, if you're busy working say 4 days of the week, you still can teach. 


It's a bit confusing, so here's another example.


Say Kitty comes on and teaches 3 Charms classes, during which Lisa teaches 2 Transfig classes. Then Kitty takes a break or logs and then Seph comes and teaches another charms class during which Andrew teaches HoM. 


This is actually close to cannon since they had classes going on all day simultaneously at Hogwarts, and this way we get more classes with more flexible schedules.


It's just an idea. I can see why there would be problems. Tell me what you think.

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  • Aquilonn
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I agree with this and was going to suggest it myself, so many people are in a deadlock to teach all their classes, and it would be nice if multiple people could teach at once without it being different years.
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  • Crane
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I kinda like the idea but I think it should be limited to 2 classes at any given time.

That could be 1 first year and 1 second year class.

Or two first year classes -whatever floats your goat :P


Otherwise I think it could be nice - it makes the classrooms less cluttered and if the Professors can pull off teaching reasonably often without too much grouping and 12h waits then it could be a pleasant thing.
Broadcasts would be really messy though so it would require something like one class meeting in the Entrance hall and the other in the courtyard.
There is also the added issue of trolls going from class to class and messing with both teachers but that would be solved by simply being a bit more strict with closing classes :)

Thumps up from here :)

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Veara Titan
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I kind of disagree with this because a lot of players want to attend EVERY class possible, and if two classes are going on at once they'll start freaking out, deciding which class to attend. They'll also think that they're missing something important in the class that they didn't attend, which can bother some people. But I DO agree with the fact that classes by professors should be taught more often. It would reduce the amount of players in each class and make classes go by quicker and easier.


Just my opinion :)

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  • Pandette
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This idea's kindof out there so I can understand if it's denied. Also I'm sure it might have been talked about at some point but I figured I'd start a forum discussion about it.


I've noticed there's been lots of problems with the new influx of professors over times to teach. So I thought maybe instead of having to wait about 30-60 minutes after each class to teach, what if we could have simultaneous classes?


So like, only one professor for each subject can teach at a time, but DADA could have a class at the same times as Charms, for example. But instead of waiting for 6 hours DADA and Charms can teach after those classes too. That way, students could go to DADA the first class and Charms the second and the teachers have both taught two classes. 


Basically, when professors are on and have time to teach, they can teach as much as they want. We can bump up the minimum of classes per week. And that way, if you're busy working say 4 days of the week, you still can teach. 


It's a bit confusing, so here's another example.


Say Kitty comes on and teaches 3 Charms classes, during which Lisa teaches 2 Transfig classes. Then Kitty takes a break or logs and then Seph comes and teaches another charms class during which Andrew teaches HoM. 


This is actually close to cannon since they had classes going on all day simultaneously at Hogwarts, and this way we get more classes with more flexible schedules.


It's just an idea. I can see why there would be problems. Tell me what you think.

We are opening second year classes more officially and there will be necessary that everytime someone teaches a 2nd year class there is also a 1st year class around that time.


Additionally, I think if the yearly stuff still doesn't result in lower amounts of people in class, we may just as well end up having classes be split by houses.  Which will also help, but first let us do 1st 2nd year classes.  Doing multiple 1st year for a subject is kind of silly.

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Bob Titan
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I think that profs might not wanna go teaching for like 3 hrs all in a row. They would want to actually go to other classes as well as teaching there own.
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Gracen Night
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I think we should try the 1st year, 2nd year thing. When we were trying it, it DID work better. ONLY first years can go to the first year classes when they are locked to year. Its been a thing.

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  • Pandette
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I think we should try the 1st year, 2nd year thing. When we were trying it, it DID work better. ONLY first years can go to the first year classes when they are locked to year. Its been a thing.

Yes, it did work better, the problem is we need to get everyone on board, which is why we will have Friday writing workshops for classes.

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Veara Titan
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I think we should try the 1st year, 2nd year thing. When we were trying it, it DID work better. ONLY first years can go to the first year classes when they are locked to year. Its been a thing.

So does this mean that 2+ years can't attend any first year classes? 

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Gracen Night
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So does this mean that 2+ years can't attend any first year classes? 

Precisely. But It was so that if there was a higher up class at the same time that ONLY first years go to the lower class and all higher levels go to the year 2 class. But that is when they are scheduled on top of another unless Pande want to correct me. 

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Veara Titan
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Precisely. But It was so that if there was a higher up class at the same time that ONLY first years go to the lower class and all higher levels go to the year 2 class. But that is when they are scheduled on top of another unless Pande want to correct me. 

Ah okay, that makes much more sense. I was under the impression that Y1s ONLY attend year 1 lessons, Y2 ONLY attend year 2 lessons, Y3 attend year 3 lessons, etc. I like your idea better, makes more sense and makes classes not as big :)

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