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Unfair point taken from teacher

Started by NJDfire , Mar 03 2016 05:32 PM

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  • NJDfire
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  • IGN:Skallent Grant

I was in a lesson when i moved to look at what to name my test so i moved, so the teacher warned me, which is fine. But then when i was talking to a teacher i miss clicked

so i moved about half a block and the teacher took a point from me without even asking me why i moved or anything like that, so i then said to the teacher that i miss clicked and the teacher just said "Skallent stop arguing" when what i said was just me explaining what happened to the teacher and i didn't even call out!


This is an injustice if i ever saw one


Teacher name: Bella Hunter





-Skallent Grant


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  • SeaaHoney
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I was in this class behind Skallent Grant when this happened. As I have told him, I believe that one point is not something to cry for, however I do believe that this could have been handled better. All of the time in my classes I understand that some people have broken keys so they might jump on accident, etc, etc. Most of the time this is true, and as I let the accident pass, it doesn't happen again later. I believe that in this case Bella was a bit harsh and too quick on warning then taking points. Again, one point is nothing to cry over, but I do think that Skallent was not moving around on purpose.


To be more clear on what I saw happened:


Skallent went up to the front of the class where there is a chest with a sign on it that tells you what to name your test.


Bella saw him walking back down to his seat and warned him.


He moved a bit off his seat, wiggled a bit and hopped back on, no big distraction.


Bella told him his warnings were up and took a point.

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  • DaveIcaria
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I was in this class.

You were given a warning to not move again, regardless of whether or not you moved again on purpose or by accident, you still moved and she was correct in taking a point from you. It's one point, just one. No need to post on the forums about it, especially when she was in the right. You then were speaking out in class repeatedly in your attempt to argue your point, and truthfully she should have taken a point for that too since we were in the middle of a test, but she let you off on that one. In summary: be more careful in the future, you probably earned that 1 point back with your test anyway.



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  • Pandette
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imho moving off your seat isnt the same as 'moving' if you move off your seat and back on thats like you're gettting adjusted.  there is a difference between running around and moving seats, to slipping off your seat.  Even I have been in class and doing something someone required me to do, open minecraft back up and run off my seat and realize i was in class and jump back on.  Don't think that accidents should necessarily be punished.  Esp if the warning was him checking what to name something instead of disrupting the class.

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  • NJDfire
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  • IGN:Skallent Grant

I was in this class.

You were given a warning to not move again, regardless of whether or not you moved again on purpose or by accident, you still moved and she was correct in taking a point from you. It's one point, just one. No need to post on the forums about it, especially when she was in the right. You then were speaking out in class repeatedly in your attempt to argue your point, and truthfully she should have taken a point for that too since we were in the middle of a test, but she let you off on that one. In summary: be more careful in the future, you probably earned that 1 point back with your test anyway.



i was not speaking out if you look back i raised my hand and then argued after she called on me and it was an accident how is that my fault? just tell me how?

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  • Pandette
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I was in this class.

You were given a warning to not move again, regardless of whether or not you moved again on purpose or by accident, you still moved and she was correct in taking a point from you. It's one point, just one. No need to post on the forums about it, especially when she was in the right. You then were speaking out in class repeatedly in your attempt to argue your point, and truthfully she should have taken a point for that too since we were in the middle of a test, but she let you off on that one. In summary: be more careful in the future, you probably earned that 1 point back with your test anyway.



I am sure for some people 1 point is not a big deal, but it's not just the point but the announcement to everyone that you did something wrong.  Losing a point for people who are trying to be the best than can be is not just negative but embarassing.  So if they feel they werent in the wrong they are justified to post to the forums to state they feel the point should be restored. That way in the future the professor won't end up taking MORE points from another student for the same action.

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  • DaveIcaria
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Just calling it like I saw it, if he hadn't been so whiny and rude to the teacher afterward I would be somewhat supportive of him, but filling the chat with "Why did I lose a point?" "Huh?" "Why?" "I just moved a bit by a misclick" "I misclicked why did I lose a point" "That's not fair I didn't disobey I just misclicked" was kind of annoying. It's your call here, of course, but from what I saw he moved quite a bit more than described, and no one hates him for losing one point, he's just making a big deal out of nothing after disrupting class. Yes you did raise your hand Skallent, but posting 12 individual small messages after that is annoying.

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  • NJDfire
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  • IGN:Skallent Grant

Just calling it like I saw it, if he hadn't been so whiny and rude to the teacher afterward I would be somewhat supportive of him, but filling the chat with "Why did I lose a point?" "Huh?" "Why?" "I just moved a bit by a misclick" "I misclicked why did I lose a point" "That's not fair I didn't disobey I just misclicked" was kind of annoying. It's your call here, of course, but from what I saw he moved quite a bit more than described, and no one hates him for losing one point, he's just making a big deal out of nothing after disrupting class. Yes you did raise your hand Skallent, but posting 12 individual small messages after that is annoying.

But she also hurt feelings and they are worth 100 points

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  • SeaaHoney
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  • IGN:Clove Lestrange

First of all @DaveIcara I find your posts highly rude and not at all a discussion. Calling someone whiney and acting like you know all the rules just makes you seem like a jerk.


Second of all you are in no position to tell people when they are breaking rules.


You do not understand how the Professor role works, you do not dictate what was wrong or right as I do not because it was not my class.


HOWEVER, AS a professor and someone who understand that sometimes students do not MEAN to argue or move about on accident, I have empathy for this student who I saw with my own eyes did NOTHING extreme and just wanted to NAME his test. You do not know what happened on his side of the screen and so you have NO right to judge him.


Skallent was not at all being mischievous or trolling, Skallent was trying to name their test and when his point was taken, defend his honor.


Not only that but he only received one warning before his point was taken.


One point alas, but one point taken wrongly. That is why it is worth something, maybe you do not understand the "whinyness" behind it but it is about the professor role and how class work.

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  • NJDfire
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  • IGN:Skallent Grant

But she also hurt feelings and they are worth 100 points

and i never said "huh" or "why" well i never said why on its own i explained what happened and you are not only lying but being very rude to me

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  • DaveIcaria
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You seem to be misunderstanding my post, I am not pointing fingers nor making accusations, and certainly not trying to be rude. I gave an account of what I saw happen, and commented that I was annoyed by my chat being filled with single-word posts while I was in the middle of taking a test. Professor Hunter took a point based on what she saw, and what she saw is the same as what I saw. I don't know what part of my posts you're reading that are taken as rude, but I'm sorry they were taken that way. Skallent heard the rule about not moving without permission, moved, was warned not to, moved again, lost a point, and then raised his hand and proceeded to fill the chat with the same question. I'm sorry you think that's rude of me to point out, but if the professor teaching the class thought that knowing the rules, moving anyway, getting warned, and moving again is enough to lose a single house point, then that's her call.

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  • SeaaHoney
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Perhaps, when taking a test, you should not be looking at the chat if it so distracts you. I do not blame Skallent for that.


Below I will include the accounts you made that I presume as rude:


You called him whiney, rude, annoying and said that he is making a big deal out of nothing which, maybe for you it's nothing, but obviously not to him.


Either way this situation will work out as it will.

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  • DaveIcaria
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Wow, so it's MY fault he spammed chat, because I shouldn't be looking at my chat during a test XD okay.

He was whining during a test.

He was rude to the teacher.

He was annoying to me and probably others in the class.

And he's posting on the forums about this, why not just message the teacher and talk it out?


I called him rude, you called me rude, by your own logic you're the rude one here XD


Also, hearing from other professors that if he was, indeed, warned, then Bella was in the right.

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  • NJDfire
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  • IGN:Skallent Grant

Wow, so it's MY fault he spammed chat, because I shouldn't be looking at my chat during a test XD okay.
He was whining during a test.

He was rude to the teacher.
He was annoying to me and probably others in the class.
And he's posting on the forums about this, why not just message the teacher and talk it out?
I called him rude, you called me rude, by your own logic you're the rude one here XD
Also, hearing from other professors that if he was, indeed, warned, then Bella was in the right.

I,would like to remind you that when I was told to be quite I did just that and you have been told by more than 1 person what happened but you continue to say what you Think happened, Here are some things you might need to think about

You were the person that came in here and started insulting me you could have chosen not to post

You should not care about me 'spamming chat' which I did not do anyway but you were not doing your practical at the time and if you were writing in the book you should not have even noticed it and if you were not doing a test or anything why were you so angry about me 'spamming chat'?
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Enough, you are entitled to an opinion, but the way you are doing so is not appropriate. We do not tolerate insulting people. If you think Skallent is being whiny, please keep it to yourself or put it in a nicer way, there is no reason to call him whiny. This is the forum to post when there are issues like this, when a player feels something unjust has happened. So to bash someone for using this forum AS INTENDED is unnecessary, thank you.

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  • Pandette
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@DaveIcaria The entire point of this forum is for transparency so professors are not doing whatever they so wish and are held accountable for any mistakes they made.  So therefore, posting it here is the correct step and for that reason he should be posting it here.  I actually believe them going to clear the name with the professor can have the opposite effect for the professor may be defensive, refuse to see the students point of view in order to not be wrong, or just plain not have time at the end of class.  The forum is a method for them to explain their side, the professor to respond, and for other people to discuss it in a more neutral manner.


Clove is not always tactful in her manners, but is right.  The way you are responding to Skallant is not very tasteful and involves name calling. Also, the dispute in question is not over if he spammed the chat after the fact, its the original reasoning for the point being removed.  Additionally, when people are upset about stuff, they tend to lose their temper or get frustrated, for that reasoning, if Bella unfairly removed the point and it was justified, even if Skallant had in fact acted in a negative manner, that is something that needs to be resolved by the Staff and Bella.


The Topic on the table is: Did Bella remove a point unfairly from Skallant.  From the sounds of it, it is overwhelmingly yes.  However, we need Bella to post for her opinion on the matter before we can proceed.  You must also understand, that Bella is a relatively new professor, which means that she may not always be trying to be unfair, but in fact may just be trying to enforce the rules in a situation that may be overwhelming, since professors are not always able to take is everything exactly as is.  So it may be that Bella misjudged the situation, but might not be because of trying to be mean, or be overly strict, just because over stimulation of other students may have resulted in frustrations, additionally, anyone who was talking to them in teamspeak/real life could add to issues.


Everyone in this thread needs to remember that we are still human, and Humans make mistakes all the time, and no party in this thread is guiltless in the factor of making mistakes right now.

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  • Richela
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Since this whole topic seems to have been derailed, I'm going to lock it. No real actions will be taken, but professors will be told that little things like that don't require points to be taken. In the future, I suggest that you only add your part of the story when needed on these threads, and I'd also suggest that you remember to not lose your head over something this small.
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  • Pandette
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@Richela I am unlocking the post since this is still being discussed and bella is going to reply.

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Bella Scarlet
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okay what happend i had my back turned to grab supplies to do a practical part of the exam and i diddnt see he was checking the sign so i gave him a warning for moving and diddnt see a reply for the warning and then he moved again and from how i see it was more then a woops accident move it was a few blocks not just one and as i stated i had given him a warning already for moving so i sore fit i could take a point so im sorry if i was wrong thats how i sore it and when you argued i was in the middle of a test i wasnt going to have a argument during a test

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  • NJDfire
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  • IGN:Skallent Grant

I think everyone is getting a bit over the top about this, all I wanted was the point back, nothing drastic, just that.
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