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Started by Thalli Take , Mar 06 2016 08:27 PM

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Thalli Take
  • Thalli Take
  • N.E.W.T. Student
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  • IGN:bagged_milk

So I was thinking about money and I got an idea. While you don't often see job openings spoken about in the server, the Marketing forum gave me the idea of a job forum that may hopefully help job openings appear. This could just be saying things like Help Wanted, job title, job description, pay, and then an application form. Applications could be book and quill in game or through forums. Said jobs might have specific wages listed and exact application requirements. Just a thought, I have no idea what is and what is not in the works already or what may have been something that can't be done or is not useful enough to be done. 

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  • Cora
  • Chief of the Wizards Council
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  • IGN:Cora Prion // Corah

Sounds like a cool idea, I would consider hiring someone to help out at my shop.
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  • Alice
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  • IGN:Alice Demure (Formerly Cunningham)/[Qlivia]

Being that the Market forum is for players to advertise and inform others about their shop already, I don't see why they cannot put "Help Wanted" in the post they already have for their store. But I suppose that's just me.
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  • Pandette
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  • IGN:iarepandemonium

So I was thinking about money and I got an idea. While you don't often see job openings spoken about in the server, the Marketing forum gave me the idea of a job forum that may hopefully help job openings appear. This could just be saying things like Help Wanted, job title, job description, pay, and then an application form. Applications could be book and quill in game or through forums. Said jobs might have specific wages listed and exact application requirements. Just a thought, I have no idea what is and what is not in the works already or what may have been something that can't be done or is not useful enough to be done. 

This can be posted in the trade forum

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