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Cora Brown breaking Proffesor Rules

Started by Master_XD300 , Apr 03 2016 11:55 AM

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  • Master_XD300
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Hello Staff Team

Today (03.04.2016) i was in the Flying Class of Cora Brown.

I raised my hand to talk and to pose a question about notes and how they will be graded by her.

I explained my problem with the fact of taking notes be similar to just copy the text of the teacher and getting high grades for that.

Because minecraft chat system doesn't allows and endless text i had too split up my text in some pieces.

Cora took 1 point of for that. This is a break of the Proffesor Rules because a Proffesor has to warn a pupil before taking points. Here is the Link to the rule: http://forum.knocktu...ors-rules-list/

She warned Yoriki and Lucy but not me (please lock it up in the chat log i don't have screens of it because the Katna spamming me with /msgs and so i couldn't scroll back up)

When i wrote my msg to Cora to tell her she broke the rules she said she did a general warning, BUT this is wrong because she just warned 2 specific people and didn't spoke a general warning out.

For this reason i won't my house point that was taking from her back. Also i would wish for the future that Proffesors if they did a mistake take it back themselves when they lock it up and don't be so rude that i have to write this forum thread for my point


Marco (Master_XD300) Ellis

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Katna Malamius
  • Katna Malamius
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Ugh, I didn't believe you would actually post this, that sounded like the emptiest threat. This was completely fair in my eyes, because you literally put out a rant in chat after Cora explained it to you. There were many, many warnings for talking out, and raising your hand and doing a full paragraph or two was pushing it. You ranted saying that it was unfair, when Cora and I both said that the more information you record, the more you get for it, it's the nature of notes. As for why I "Spammed" you, was because you were spamming Cora. Cora asked me to take over messaging you, as she need to teach. So, I basically said that it was completely fair. 


But you know, you're leaving out a good detail. This. imgur.com/iLudEQq

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  • Gleamss
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I know cora, and that does not sound like her. Also if she said a general warning such as "Next person to talk loses points", that is a general warning, and it would have been a warning to everyone. You did most likely what she said not to do, nobodies fault but yours.
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  • Cora
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As I told you in game, I understand that you were asking a question. However, I do not believe you required 5 - 7 lines of chat to ask such a simple question. I had answered your question within the first few lines, stating "Marco, people will take notes as they will. Everyone's different." You continued your little rant about how people copying and pasting lectures from the Minecraft Launcher wasn't 'fair'. I warned your Housemates, as they were talking out repetitively, and they stopped. You, however, continued. I then stated (in clear frustration) "Last paragraph guys, come on.". You continued on in chat with more reasons why it was unfair, and I took a point. A single point. Not much to cry over.

You seemed subdued for a moment, and so I continued my lecture, only to have you message me "you broke the rules".

Here are the logs from the conversation.

Here are the logs for his 'rant':


Additionally, you swore in House Chat, as Lucy messaged me about, and is seen in the image Katna's post. You confronted me after class, and I told you to drop it, although you clearly have not.

I do admit I could have made my warning a bit clearer, but you should have gotten the picture. I am sorry this has upset you so much, but honestly, it is nothing to cry over.
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  • Aquilonn
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Here's what I see happened, and this is based off of the log @Cora has given, yes he put out a rant, but he was never told not to. Yes the other members of class had warnings, but because Marco raised his hand and was never told to cease, how was he supposed to know he was supposed to? It is only a point, but bear in mind, unless you didn't show when you told him to stop, you never told him to stop. I don't know if the point should be restored, but for something like that, I typically just ask them to tell me later before taking points, as there's no real definition of how long a /rh should be, it's up to the Professor to curb that by asking them to ask later.

That being said, I do believe it was simply a communication error, and can be remedied easily in one form or another. :)
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  • Fancepants
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Hello Staff Team

Today (03.04.2016) i was in the Flying Class of Cora Brown.

I raised my hand to talk and to pose a question about notes and how they will be graded by her.

I explained my problem with the fact of taking notes be similar to just copy the text of the teacher and getting high grades for that.

Because minecraft chat system doesn't allows and endless text i had too split up my text in some pieces.

Cora took 1 point of for that. This is a break of the Proffesor Rules because a Proffesor has to warn a pupil before taking points. Here is the Link to the rule: http://forum.knocktu...ors-rules-list/

She warned Yoriki and Lucy but not me (please lock it up in the chat log i don't have screens of it because the Katna spamming me with /msgs and so i couldn't scroll back up)

When i wrote my msg to Cora to tell her she broke the rules she said she did a general warning, BUT this is wrong because she just warned 2 specific people and didn't spoke a general warning out.

For this reason i won't my house point that was taking from her back. Also i would wish for the future that Proffesors if they did a mistake take it back themselves when they lock it up and don't be so rude that i have to write this forum thread for my point


Marco (Master_XD300) Ellis

If 1 person in class was warning consider the WHOLE CLASS warned.You will not be getting points back. 

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  • Pandette
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I realize sometimes it might be frustrating to understand why professors are so strict about chat violations in class, but they are not doing it because they think they are 'higher than you'.  I have taught them if other people have been warned multiple times in class, thats a general warning.  If two other people were already warned before you, then she is already starting to push for people to stop speaking out.


Professors are limited to have 60 minutes for class, in which case they have to cover the rules which takes 10-20 minutes depending on how indepth they go, or how much people break rules while going over rules, have 30 minutes of material (which is written by us so we know how long it is) and have a leeway of 10 or so minutes for questions / rule breaking.


The problem you are missing, is if you are speaking out about something that could be asked AFTER CLASS and doesn't need to hold up the ENTIRE class for your question, which this clearly didn't need to, then you probably should have just /rh : can I speak to you after class.


Instead you DID write an entire paragraph in the chat, which you didn't use all the space to condense it, and it was much longer than it needed to be.  Additionally, although i let slytherins swear in our house chat, that is never when it is DIRECTED at someone including people not in house chat.  IMHO, if i were online in my house chat, I would have taken more points from you.  If it was my class you interrupted after I had already warned two people, I would have taken more points from you.


All our professors are volunteers, they are REAL people trying to do their best and that means they get overwhelmed when dealing with 30 people in a classroom.  What seems like a short moment to you is actually a professor getting really frustrated bc they have a crap ton of stuff to do.  As for if a professor is better than you or not, I have made it a point to keep all 'better than' someone else out of the class room, keeping people who are staff from sitting in 'cool' locations to make them equal, and done my best to make sure they see people as equally as possible, but once again, they are volunteers, and behavoir like this makes them want to quit because they cant handle having students freak out at them over one point when they had multiple warnings or the fact that they just want to get their required teaching done and play the game themselves.

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  • Master_XD300
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ok, seems like i have to accept this :c

But it is getting on my nerves loosing points stupid

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