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MIA - Halia Savage

Started by HaliaBoo , May 13 2016 04:07 AM

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  • HaliaBoo
  • N.E.W.T. Student
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  • IGN:Halia Barnes/Savage/Malfoy (LittleBooCreeps)

Tomorrow starting around 1:30pm EST to around 11 pm EST that night I won't be home(Work/School/Gonna be with friends)
​And the next day from around 1:30pm to about 10pm I won't be on due to the same reason
And Sunday, my boyfriend will be over so I can't be on until around 10pm. But I will try to get on as much as I can.
​(I'm gonna feel so lost without the server) xD

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  • Griffinpuff12
  • Special Advisor to the Wizengamot
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  • IGN:Lyra Bennett

Have a good time! :)

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  • Draco
  • Chief of the Wizards Council
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Bye Halia, have fun!

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  • Rose
  • O.W.L. Student
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  • IGN:Rose Schoenheit

Dear lord. Your signature though @HaliaBoo;)

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