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MIA--Sebastian Graham

Started by Sebastian Graham , Jun 09 2016 08:40 AM

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Sebastian Graham
  • Sebastian Graham
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  • IGN:Sebastian Graham

I'm heading out to North Carolina for the summer, and probably won't be on much. My MIA officially ends at the end of August, no matter whether or not I get on before then.

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  • StaceyChaø
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I'm sad you won't be here till August 

Have Fun

Don't Die <-------- Best Advice you can get


I have a MIA that lasts for a month ;-; so you won't be the only one gone (VACATION TIME)

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  • Griffinpuff12
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Have fun! :D

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Sebastian Graham
  • Sebastian Graham
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I'm sad you w

Don't Die <-------- Best Advice you can get


My dad always says "Don't get ded" I know it's supposed to be dead, but It sounds more like it should me ded in this scenario.

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Sebastian Graham
  • Sebastian Graham
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  • IGN:Sebastian Graham

I have to extend my MIA a while longer. School is starting and I need to readjust my social life stuff. The longest it should be is mid- to late-September. I hope I can get back to playing soon.

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