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MIA- Hannah Lestrange

Started by BampireHannah , Jun 14 2016 04:28 PM

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  • BampireHannah
  • O.W.L. Student
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  • 132 posts
  • IGN:Hannah Lestrange

I am going to be MIA from the 15th of June to the 3rd of July. I am going on a trip. K? K. Kool.


I'll still be on TS, IRC, and the forums... but like yeah.. oki..

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  • Gleamss
  • O.W.L. Student
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  • IGN:Gleamss

Have fun, wherever you're going!

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  • Griffinpuff12
  • Special Advisor to the Wizengamot
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  • IGN:Lyra Bennett

Have a good time! :D

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