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Started by bellatrix_sinta , Jul 12 2016 12:44 PM

Best Answer Pandette , 12 July 2016 - 06:58 PM

so my friend was playing on the server at my house and he was holding broom and he right clicked and the broom

was getting used will it be okay

sd long as it doesnt break its fine

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  • bellatrix_sinta
  • O.W.L. Student
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so my friend was playing on the server at my house and he was holding broom and he right clicked and the broom

was getting used will it be okay

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Umbreon Yuuki
  • Umbreon Yuuki
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I don't understand what your saying...
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  • Pandette
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  • IGN:iarepandemonium

  Best Answer

so my friend was playing on the server at my house and he was holding broom and he right clicked and the broom

was getting used will it be okay

sd long as it doesnt break its fine

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