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MIA - Bob Titan

Started by Bob Titan , Jul 28 2016 05:07 PM

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Bob Titan
  • Bob Titan
  • Chief of the Wizards Council
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  • IGN:Bob Titan

So I am posting this before I forget. Tomorrow I am leaving to go camping for the weekend. I will be back some time Monday. I will not be on the server at all during this time, no IRC, Forums, TS, Minechat or minecraft.
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  • Draco
  • Chief of the Wizards Council
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Eekie! Have fun though Bob!

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  • StaceyChaø
  • Chief of the Wizards Council
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  • IGN:Stacey Longbottom

Hope you have a great time and take care! :D
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  • Griffinpuff12
  • Special Advisor to the Wizengamot
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  • IGN:Lyra Bennett

Have fun, be safe! ^_^

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