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How Do I Sell Things

Started by WildUnknown , Jul 28 2016 09:58 PM

Best Answer Lisa Flume , 29 July 2016 - 01:55 PM

I've been going to shops and none of them work?

That would be because we are switching over to a new shops plugin. ATrade is being removed from the server as we have a new Shop plugin.


The economy has been reworked and we decided to get rid of the server shops by the telephone booth that allow you to sell blocks.


Switching over to the new plugin is going to take time, so for now I would suggest trying to find shops that have already made the switch or trading with players :) (or just holding onto your items for the meantime)

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  • WildUnknown
  • O.W.L. Student
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  • IGN:Wild Dixon (Wild_Unknown)

I am so confused on how to sell things. It use to be where you'd sell stuff at the shop right next to the phone booth but they have been closed for awhile. So where do I sell my stuff to?

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  • James
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You can sell things to any shop that will buy them. There is no place where you can sell anything like the store by the phone booth. Only player shops.

The main way to get more money is by voting or killing mobs.
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Bob Titan
  • Bob Titan
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Or you could make a shop selling things like foods and other items.

How to set it up: http://forum.knocktu...gin/#entry36941This is the how-to guide of you want to make money this way.
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  • WildUnknown
  • O.W.L. Student
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  • IGN:Wild Dixon (Wild_Unknown)

I've been going to shops and none of them work?

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Lisa Flume
  • Lisa Flume
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  Best Answer

I've been going to shops and none of them work?

That would be because we are switching over to a new shops plugin. ATrade is being removed from the server as we have a new Shop plugin.


The economy has been reworked and we decided to get rid of the server shops by the telephone booth that allow you to sell blocks.


Switching over to the new plugin is going to take time, so for now I would suggest trying to find shops that have already made the switch or trading with players :) (or just holding onto your items for the meantime)

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