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MIA - App Ellis

Started by Annnub , Aug 03 2016 01:45 AM

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  • Annnub
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  • IGN:App Ellis

Yep, I am going to my sisters baby shower (YAYYYYY!) And won't be here till the 6th or 7th SOMETHING LIKES THAT! During that time I will also be getting my transcripts transferred due to new school. I won't be on my computer and will barely be on Minechat or IRC, If at all. Bye!

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Gareott Rimma
  • Gareott Rimma
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Ok App Have Fun and we will miss you 

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Kat Kirkland
  • Kat Kirkland
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Byee ;-; hope you enjoy your time!
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  • StaceyChaø
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Take care, have fun, bring me cake, and love me! :3
The first two are the most important.
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  • Griffinpuff12
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Have a good time! :D

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Sean Stone
  • Sean Stone
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Take care App :)
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