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The Rogers Family

Started by sir3n31175 , Jun 05 2015 02:58 PM

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  • sir3n31175
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  • IGN:Lilith Rogers



The family's history dates back to the late 1800's. The first Roger being a Pure-Blood, who fell in love with a woman who was always afraid of change, this is the reason for their curse of Transfiguration. This created a new line of Wizards and Witches who always strive to be their best. 
The family always seemed to be pretty well secluded and friendly, battles never really interested them but when it came to the war, they where thriving against whatever foe crossed their path and their thirst for battle seemed to rise. They spoke spells of war and since then, their gift of Charmwork has been as incredible as their personalities. 
The Rogers still roll into the School for Witches and Wizards on occasion and are always a good friend to have. Whenever you find one, they normally love to chat for a while, but soon after, they will want to go off and do as they please. Most enjoy large crowds but this is not true for each Roger.


We and Ours To God



//Dear Rogers,


               Please post a description of your character that includes:

                                  Your House

                                  Your Age

                                   Your Name

               And then please give a description of your characters background. Tell some interesting things about yourself and please also include pictures.


                                                                     Lilith Rogers :)//

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  • sir3n31175
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  • IGN:Lilith Rogers

-Lilith Rogers-Gryffindor-15-
A girl who loves an adventure and chooses dangerous over safe. She will never stop looking or new things to accomplish. 
She was born a Half-blood with her father a muggle and her mother a witch. She never wanted to get on anyone's bad side and so, she always helps in anyway possible. She was born in the year 2020 on July 29th and then grew up around muggle society. She went to an everyday school for muggles so her muggle studies are quite easy.



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  • Drew_Rogers
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  • IGN:TNT8720

Drew Rogers[]Gryffindor[]16


Adventurous and curious boy who wasn't really trusted that much.


He was born in 2019 on December 25th and grew up not knowing about Magic.His Mom was a witch and his dad was a muggle.when he was growing up along side his sister they went to a muggle school his sister was good but he wasn't that good years later he ended up in hogwarts

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  • madcow410
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  • IGN:Daisy Cooper

how do find out about your family tree?

l know the profile command which tells me l was born into the Cooper family, lm a pure blood and l have neutral alignment :)

but thats all l know :)

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  • Themonix
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  • IGN:Themo Morrison

how do find out about your family tree?
l know the profile command which tells me l was born into the Cooper family, lm a pure blood and l have neutral alignment :)
but thats all l know :)

That's place for your imagination! Let it run wild!
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