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Kinda MIA - Lisa Blishwick

Started by Lisa Flume , Aug 27 2016 12:25 PM

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Lisa Flume
  • Lisa Flume
  • N.E.W.T. Student
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  • IGN:Lisa Flume

Hey everyone! So I've been far less active as I would like to be but this past week I have been in the process of moving to college and getting adjusted to the different lifestyle/schedule. Im still adjusting to t and haven't even started classes yet so I'm posting this MIA to let Knockturn know I'm not able to get my classes in for Transfig this week.
Once things die down some and I get into my routine with classes and dorm life I'll hopefully be back on more! I'm going to say this MIA should only last for like the next week ;)

I'll try to get on whenever though :D
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  • StaceyChaø
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Take care!!! <3 

Hope you enjoy the college!

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  • Annnub
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Good luck!

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  • Griffinpuff12
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  • IGN:Lyra Bennett

Ooh, good luck, take care! :D

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