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Town Sheriff

Started by LukeS , Sep 03 2016 11:12 AM

Best Answer Lisa Flume , 08 September 2016 - 02:25 PM


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  • LukeS
  • O.W.L. Student
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  • IGN:LewkTHEsheW // Luke Schoenheit

Hi! Ever since I got the profile transfer I haven't really played on Towny, but now Grace did a whole remake on my town and now i started playing again bc it was kewl. But it still says that "LewkIshBBQ" is the Sheriff, aka my old account. I was wondering if there was any way my new account could become Sheriff again, so i can withdraw money from the town bank and stuff.  Town name: Ahyra


- Luke 

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Lisa Flume
  • Lisa Flume
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Hey Luke, do you mean to say that your town name is Amyra? I cant seem to find Ahyra in Towny under /t list



As for the sheriff situation, I believe the mayor has to remove your old account from the Sheriff role then add your current account to the position. I otherwise cannot think of any alternative solution. Hope this helps :D If not, contact an admin+ ingame and they should be able to help you out more.

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Lisa Flume
  • Lisa Flume
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