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Retrieving Apparition Licences

Started by Kwesi , Sep 11 2016 12:08 PM

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  • Kwesi
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  • IGN:Gareott Armstrong

As those who know, apparition licences are acquired and are necessary for apparating on the server. The licence must be carried by a player in order to apparate, which makes sense.


However, in the case a player earned their licence and, through some event, misplaced it or destroyed it, their only copy would be gone and they'll lose access to the spell they spent so much effort to use freely.


To my knowledge, there isn't any quick way a player can retrieve another copy of their licence, so I suggest players can use a command to get a copy if it is not in their inventory, perhaps something like /license or similar (and they won't have to bug Staff about it later  ;) )


Thanks for reading.  :) 

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  • Aquilonn
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  • IGN:Andrew Arima

I think this is a great idea! One would think that an Apparition license is not easy to lose but it is just another item that can be destroyed in a Blauflamma or accidentally dropped and lost somewhere. As you mentioned, it is a pain to get a license replaced so being able to on command would be useful.
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Lisa Flume
  • Lisa Flume
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So, I see the troublesome hassle of having to wait to get a new copy (that could possibly take a bit of time to get) but Im not too sure I agree with this suggest! See, part of the thing with apparition is its supposed to be a privilege and responsibility. With that responsibility also comes keeping track of your license ;)

The department in the ministry is there to oversee all things relating to the license so it would make sense to just go there and file for a new license when yours goes missing or something happens to it.

Its kinda like the real world because when you misplace your drivers license or something happens to it, we dont have commands to be able to *poof* it out of thin air right? :P we have to go through the annoying long hassle of getting another mailed to us or whatever. But! I'd like to hear what others think about your suggestion, Kwesi, and I'm sure we can work out a better solution! :)
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  • Kwesi
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  • IGN:Gareott Armstrong

So, I see the troublesome hassle of having to wait to get a new copy (that could possibly take a bit of time to get) but Im not too sure I agree with this suggest! See, part of the thing with apparition is its supposed to be a privilege and responsibility. With that responsibility also comes keeping track of your license ;)

The department in the ministry is there to oversee all things relating to the license so it would make sense to just go there and file for a new license when yours goes missing or something happens to it.

Its kinda like the real world because when you misplace your drivers license or something happens to it, we dont have commands to be able to *poof* it out of thin air right? :P we have to go through the annoying long hassle of getting another mailed to us or whatever. But! I'd like to hear what others think about your suggestion, Kwesi, and I'm sure we can work out a better solution! :)

Well, when you bring up the roleplay aspect of it I do understand what you're saying there. As long as the Ministry is responsive then it won't cause too much trouble. 


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  • Crane
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  • IGN:Liam Blishwick

The license is also just about the best way to stop people from apparition if they are abusing it :P I like the idea of getting it taken in the same way as if you were speeding xD
Giving people the command would mean having a database that tracks who has it and not as well as the opportunity to edit the database via in game commands :P

I like the idea of people standing in a line at the DMW xD
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  • Kwesi
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  • IGN:Gareott Armstrong

The license is also just about the best way to stop people from apparition if they are abusing it :P I like the idea of getting it taken in the same way as if you were speeding xD
Giving people the command would mean having a database that tracks who has it and not as well as the opportunity to edit the database via in game commands :P

I like the idea of people standing in a line at the DMW xD

Oh gosh, no... I'll continue to apparate responsibly. :mellow: 

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  • Pandette
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We will be soon releasing ministry jobs, when that time comes retrieving apparation licenses will no doubt be something you can go through the ministry for.

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