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My Gaming Rant hehehe

Started by Gareott Rimma , Sep 12 2016 11:57 PM

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Gareott Rimma
  • Gareott Rimma
  • Chief of the Wizards Council
  • Student
  • 614 posts
  • IGN:Gareott Rimma / 1toughninja

Hello everyone so basically i just need to rant right now i have found out that COD online is going global soon and the Moderwarfare Remasted's DLC has been leaked and confirmed by Raven and Activision which is so great




Call of Duty 4 Rant:

so basically if you don't already know i am in love with call of duty i have been in love since Cod 4 so basically i have just found out that they might also be making a COD 4 remasted game which will make me so happy


Modernwarfare Remasted Rant:

so yeah i have been Following Raven and the other makes of Modernwarfare Remasted and check updates and everything so  basically i was told that the first DLC was leaked and it has been Confirmed which made me so happy and sad at the same time the reason it made me sad is someone at COD xp basically Hacked into t he game (like m8 you got guts) and found files and copied they and posted them on social media


Infinite warefare rant:

yeah  so basically  Infinite warfare from what i have seen and everything has flaws which really sucks like a lot you will now be able to make weapons with salvage which you get for playing the game and NOT supply drops which bug me 1. Supply drops have been here for like 2 years | 2. not all player's want that (confirmed by my Tweet on it) and the fact that it is said that they might NEVER get DLC for the game



yes and that's it thanks for letting me rant!

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