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Lost Items and Spellcasts

Started by Harry King , Sep 27 2016 09:28 PM

Best Answer Pandette , 28 September 2016 - 04:55 PM

And no, im not trying to do this to gain items and such, im doing this because i lost those items

Let me put this way:


If you had it at 50% in the past, then the database contained the spell count already.  Since you seem to lack common knowledge of how a simple database works this is how it works:


Database -> Contains your data (lets say u start with 1000 vicis)


1) You log on. >>>> Player Object is created

2) You play and alter the Player Object

After this there is two possible options

a) Player object is saved correctly

B) player object is not saved correctly


If a occurs, then the new spell data is added, so you have 1900 vicis

If b occurs, you are put back to 1000 vicis




The website reads off the data in the database

ie: You cannot see ANY changes on the website until the change occurs in the database

So here is what happens:

1) Log on > no change to db

2) do casts > db doesn't update

3) do more casts > db doesn't update

4) log off > db updates if player profile saves.


Since you say the website reflected 50% of vicis vulpes>>> THE DATABASE SAVED!




So.  If that is the case, which clearly it is not.  Then when you log on next time you can never be reduce to less than that cast amount woot woot.


But since you were at the before mentioned 41% and not at 50%, the database doesn't magically change.


Also, why can I confirm the database has not been rolledback::::


Even though 3 server crashes yesterday, the database was not effected.  You see the server and the database are not the same thing at all.


So when you say you lost spell casts, where a database can only have two possibilities: either a successful transation or not and there is literally NO CODE in the ENTIRE SERVER that will EVER remove any casts and there isn't even a method in core to undo it.


The only conclusion is that you didn't get rolled back.  Additionally, as I stated:


No one else on the server got rolled back at this time.  And not only that but even if you magically did get rolled back, you could not get rolled back 4-5 days at all, because the server was started up less than 1 day before the first crash.


In conclusion, try again.  When people ask for their stuff, we usually know this ahead of time, your argument is filled with holes.

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Harry King
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Hello to all who read this. My account, Harry (SJAOM) King's account has rolled back about 4-5 days.

The dead giveaways to me are

-the ~2 stacks of galleons that are missing

-6 Wool missing

-900 casts of Vicis Vulpes missing (I hit 50% yesterday and im back to 41%)

-100-200 casts of Episkey missing

-150ish casts of

-1 Broom level

-Most of my inventory missing (Dont remember them)

-150ish casts on umbreo (This hurt the most, as I'm trying to tier up)

-200 casts on ascendio

Funnily enough, my Enderchest rolled back with me, but not my bed chest.

in my enderchest, i have an ADDITION of

 -1 Notes:Lunaris

-3 Kneazle whiskers

7 Troll hairs (Burned all of these bc they are dupes)

i am missing from enderchest

-4 choc frog cards (dont care, would be nice to have them replaced tho)


thanks for reading, I hope this hasnt happened to anyone else (Oh, i also burned my iron gear which spawned back in with me)

       -Harry King



EDIT: I forgot to mention, i used my need to do list to retrieve all spell info (on a handy app, msg me for it's name)

Edit 2:I figured out what the mass inventory space clearing was- I lost 8 stacks of carrots

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Gareott Rimma
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@Harry King that is a lot of stuff

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Harry King
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It is a lot of stuff
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  • Pandette
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..... This makes no logical sense that you would magically be rolled back, let alone rolled back 4-5 days.  When a rollback occurs that means you have been online for that amount of time, then the server crashes while u havent relogged nor switched servers.  I have it on good authority (my checking player lists constantly) that you have not been online for 4-5 days straight, so either the following is true:

  • Computers mysteriously stopped working the way they have been forever
  • You're telling falsehoods to gain items.


Also add that you are the only person who has been 'rolledback' so. Esp when each time the server crashed recently it did so gracefully (for end-users that means it saves everyone online before coming to a halt.)

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  • Pandette
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Alsooooo  The best part is you say you hit 50% of vicis, but if you can see that on the website, it has actually been saved.  ie: It cannot be lost at all.  As in, once it is in the database, no crashing or 'rollbacks' will occur at all. The datapoint is recorded.  All rollbacks occur when a PLAYER OBJECT on the SERVER fails to save properly and data that has been saved while online during that SESSION is not saved correctly to the database.  The website reads directly from the database, if the website says you have 50% then its not going to be lost no matter how many times the server crashes.

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Harry King
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http://forum.knocktu...9d-bfbfb01bdc70It says 41% on my side, i will spellspam later and get it to 50% again.
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Harry King
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Also, if what has happened to me is impossible, please do explain the 8 stacks of carrots gone missing, the 2 stacks of galleons missing, and the iron armour that i BROKE 3 days ago equipped, as well as the missing choc frog cards
I wont even go into spell details here.
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Harry King
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And no, im not trying to do this to gain items and such, im doing this because i lost those items
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  • Pandette
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  Best Answer

And no, im not trying to do this to gain items and such, im doing this because i lost those items

Let me put this way:


If you had it at 50% in the past, then the database contained the spell count already.  Since you seem to lack common knowledge of how a simple database works this is how it works:


Database -> Contains your data (lets say u start with 1000 vicis)


1) You log on. >>>> Player Object is created

2) You play and alter the Player Object

After this there is two possible options

a) Player object is saved correctly

B) player object is not saved correctly


If a occurs, then the new spell data is added, so you have 1900 vicis

If b occurs, you are put back to 1000 vicis




The website reads off the data in the database

ie: You cannot see ANY changes on the website until the change occurs in the database

So here is what happens:

1) Log on > no change to db

2) do casts > db doesn't update

3) do more casts > db doesn't update

4) log off > db updates if player profile saves.


Since you say the website reflected 50% of vicis vulpes>>> THE DATABASE SAVED!




So.  If that is the case, which clearly it is not.  Then when you log on next time you can never be reduce to less than that cast amount woot woot.


But since you were at the before mentioned 41% and not at 50%, the database doesn't magically change.


Also, why can I confirm the database has not been rolledback::::


Even though 3 server crashes yesterday, the database was not effected.  You see the server and the database are not the same thing at all.


So when you say you lost spell casts, where a database can only have two possibilities: either a successful transation or not and there is literally NO CODE in the ENTIRE SERVER that will EVER remove any casts and there isn't even a method in core to undo it.


The only conclusion is that you didn't get rolled back.  Additionally, as I stated:


No one else on the server got rolled back at this time.  And not only that but even if you magically did get rolled back, you could not get rolled back 4-5 days at all, because the server was started up less than 1 day before the first crash.


In conclusion, try again.  When people ask for their stuff, we usually know this ahead of time, your argument is filled with holes.

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