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Casting/killing (multiple times)

Started by BenMorgan1 , Dec 10 2016 11:53 AM

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  • BenMorgan1
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  • IGN:Kirky2000

Taro, as seen in pictures has killed me multiple times outside Hagrid's hutt, the first few times i let it slide, Taro being a nice person, but he/she [continued to kill me while i was trying to spell spam despite me asking multiple times to tell him to stop and have seen another post showing his attacks. on this occasion, his "girlfriend" Luna decided to join in. and swearing on a seperate occasion and telling me to kys (kill yourself)



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Katherine <3
  • Katherine <3
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In the last screenshot, taro says you abused Luna. Do you have an explanation for why he might have said this? I'm not saying that you did it. I just need some clarification. And even if you did do something wrong, no casting on others allowed unless they give you permission to (unless it's episkey, that's okay)
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  • BenMorgan1
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  • IGN:Kirky2000

Nah i was just practising expulso aiming at taro who was expulsoing in the first place, then she thought i was aiming at her, miscommunication, and then i explained and she said "i really dont care" like in screenshot
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  • Pandette
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Taro, who is a repeat offender was given a 7 day tempban.  Hopefully next time he will learn not to killing people as he has been told before.  Luna who I haven't seen do anything like this yet, was given 1 day.

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  • taroshixela
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  • IGN:Taro [taroshixela] Chambers

KYS is certainly not swearing. The other things are, but that was in local. The third photo is my just standing there. The fourth is me moving away from you. The 5th is me saying that you are running in front of my spells. The 6th is me explaining that you casted on Luna to kill, while she was AFK.

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  • Pandette
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"Rather have 10 nice people than 100 jerks." Anyone just being outright rude or annoying will probably get a permaban or permamute from the server.  This is due to the 'No Jerk Rule' in the server ie we don't want to have to deal with people we don't like and since the community is nice as is, we rather just have less people than a server full of shizzle heads.



In Knockturn, any form of swears, whether abbreviated or not are no acceptable, and absolutely prohibited in global chat.  Local chat can contain swears, if all people reading that chat agree to be okay with swearing.  However, swearing in public areas such as the great hall is not allowed, and swearing in school can result in loss of points if a professor overhears you, due to the fact that students should not be using foul language in school.


Trolling, Harassment, Prejudices, Religion, Politics, Opinions, and Rudeness

We don't have any tolerence for people who are rude to anyone for any reason.  This can range for just disliking someone or for anything you may find offensive.  Knockturn is a zero-religion zone as well as a zero-prejudice zone.  You can discuss these things, but you cannot practice, make clubs for, or in any way push your beliefs on anyone else.  This can include any popular group such as PETA, GSA, Christianity, Republicans, Socialism, or anything of this kind.  Knockturn is a server for minecraft and Harry Potter.  Any topic unrelated should be a polite conversation or not discussed.  In general, if you don't have anything nice to say, shut up. Telling people who are speaking in foreign languages in local chats to 'speak english' is also not considered okay.



The casting of spells on any individual that does not wish it will result in loss of points, kicking or banning.  You are absolutely not allowed to cast spells on anyone who does not wish it.  You should always ask beforehand.



Any damage done by melee is also prohibited, unless asked for, and killing is absolutely prohibited.




These are all the rules you broke.


Jerkiness and predjudice for 'kys'

Spells >>> You casted on someone

Melee >> You killed someone

Swearing >> Not only is swearing AT people not allowed in all chats that have swears, but all people present must be okay with it.  Clearly he was not.


You might wanna reread our rules.


Now here are the rules he broke (which we do not have screenshots for):



The casting of spells on any individual that does not wish it will result in loss of points, kicking or banning.  You are absolutely not allowed to cast spells on anyone who does not wish it.  You should always ask beforehand.


Any damage done by melee is also prohibited, unless asked for, and killing is absolutely prohibited.

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  • BenMorgan1
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  • IGN:Kirky2000

As you can see, in the last photo, Taro blinded me with"obscuro" then used his nv vicis vulpes on me.why would i run infront of you spells when i was spell spamming ascendio? I say we call ties witts the witness to my killing
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  • BenMorgan1
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  • IGN:Kirky2000

I casted on Luna while she was afk? Taro, just take responsibility for your actions, i have now lost my respect for you
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  • taroshixela
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  • IGN:Taro [taroshixela] Chambers

I casted on Luna while she was afk? Taro, just take responsibility for your actions, i have now lost my respect for you

Why would I care whether or not I had your respect?

Can this thread be locked now?

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