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Chat Cooldown

Started by Grace , Dec 14 2016 04:55 PM

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  • Grace
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  • IGN:Grace Granger

Okay so, most people have seen the recent chat cooldown of around 10s.
Personally I think it should be changed to 3-5 Seconds
Why? Because it's overall annoying and extremely irritating, whilst I am fully aware that global is not meant to be used for full conversations, and that this is put in place to avoid people spamming. If you've just spoke and someone asked you a a question, you can't answer straight away, this makes local extremely spammy instead of global. To my knowledge I thought that local was mainly used for RP purposes but with the annoying cool down it means that things meant for global/ooc end up going into local which defeats the whole RP aspect. I'm aware that you may have different opinions about this,which I'm willing to listen to but I thought I should let you know that I honestly strongly dislike the chat cooldown and hope it gets changed
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  • thegoldenpuppy1
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  • IGN:Luna Jones

I agree with Grace. I think that having a cool down is useful and makes global less spammy, and that global isn't meant for general conversation (as Grace states above) but I think 10 seconds is a bit long. Especially as Grace says if you ask a question, because you can't reply instantly.

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  • Aquilonn
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  • IGN:Andrew Arima

What if we leave Global as is, since as you both said it is not meant necessarily for full conversation, and instead party chats are made a thing for people who want to chat with friends without having to wait between messages? I think it's a compromise for everyone. :D
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  • Pandette
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  • IGN:iarepandemonium

Like all things that are new.  We ask that before suggesting something you wait a few weeks.  If it is still not working we will put it to a vote, but the main issue is that global ALSO spams mordonian who with the speed chat goes are too afraid and also dont know people to talk to you guys.  Additionally, I actually think 10 seconds is perfect because it prevents people from using it solely for conversation which was the point.  Our goal is that chat should be local and global should be an option for you if you need it but generally you should be keeping things in local chat and FINDING people in the game to talk.


Global has been a place where people carry on conversations and do nothing but talk there and cease playing the game to just talk in global, we want those conversations to move to meeting up with people and ROLEPLAYING, which we don't have much of.


I don't know if you know the history of the server, but my original intent for the server was no global at all and people only be able to talk to eachother if they happened upon eachother just like irl, the only reason we kept global was due to the fact that we were not a solely hp roleplay server but also a server for pirates and shannara and towny.  So the only reason for global even existing is due to having multiple servers using it.


Now we are returning to being a multi-server environment.  That means there will be changes & cool new things & new events. However, that means sometimes you need to see how things will pan out before you complain otherwise no progress can be main.


Most people don't like change, but just jumping on something and yelling its bad before trying it is going to keep everyone behind.  As I have discussed with some mordonians already, they need to be patient to see the server grow into a place that really fits both servers, and I ask the same of Knockturn HP users, please be patient and let us push forward and make it a better place.

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  • Pandette
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  • IGN:iarepandemonium

What if we leave Global as is, since as you both said it is not meant necessarily for full conversation, and instead party chats are made a thing for people who want to chat with friends without having to wait between messages? I think it's a compromise for everyone. :D

Again, this defeats the entire purpose of what we are trying to achieve.  How about we wait and see how it goes and revisit after we have experienced it.  Rome isn't built in a day, and you all are rushing to build stuff up when things need time.

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