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Court System

Started by Da_DrDude , Dec 22 2016 02:05 AM

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  • Da_DrDude
  • O.W.L. Student
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  • IGN:John [_Quincy] Adams

I have an idea to add a little more realistic feel to the game.  Trials!  In the ministry, there would be some courtrooms.  When a player is confronted by staff for breaking a rule, he/she can demand a trial.  In that case, the staff member would then check to see if a judge is on. (We would have a job called "Judge", kinda like Professor.)  The person that reported the player, and the player that broke a rule both get to pick whoever they want to be their "lawyer".  Each person has to present evidence as to why they are innocent/guilty.  The Trial would be similar to the classes.  the judge is the "teacher".  Whoever the chosen lawyers are, will have access to a command (only while in trial) to call someone to the witness stand.  They would present evidence also, etc.  There is more to it, but this is just the basic parts. I think it would be pretty cool, but I have a feeling it would require a LOT of coding...

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  • Luxow
  • Squib
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  • IGN:Luxow Kaur

This is a very cool idea, but I feel like there wouldn't be enough time to have a trial every time there's an offense.
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  • Da_DrDude
  • O.W.L. Student
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  • IGN:John [_Quincy] Adams

theres more to it, and that's one of the things.  The staff member has to approve the trial request, depending on if the offense was serious or not. Like, spam in chat and someone wanted a trial, obviously NO,  killing someone and sending them to hospital, probably yes

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  • Luxow
  • Squib
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  • IGN:Luxow Kaur

Ok but if someone killed someone and sent them to the hospital what's the point of a trial? We know they did it and they would have to pay the consequences, there's really no way they could defend themselves against doing serious offenses.

theres more to it, and that's one of the things. The staff member has to approve the trial request, depending on if the offense was serious or not. Like, spam in chat and someone wanted a trial, obviously NO, killing someone and sending them to hospital, probably yes

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  • Pandette
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