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Potion Contests

Started by Lilly Knight , Dec 24 2016 06:29 PM

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Lilly Knight
  • Lilly Knight
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Hey! My name is Lilly Knight, and I have a suggestion I would like to make that I would personally find very fun.


Brewing is one of my very favorite things to do. I am always trying to find potion ingredients to make another. I love showing players how to brew. It is something I love.


I was thinking that there are many players out there, like me, who love to brew. I was wondering if, someday, we could maybe make a potions contest.


I know that we have Physicals in Potions for exams where we brew potions, but for the event, there would be scheduled a certain time. Players would buy/be supplied with certain ingredients to brew one potion at a time. You could either write the steps somewhere or they would memorize them.


The first one to finish a potion would be marked down in a book or on a board. Then second, third, and then you could write anyone else who completed. There would be a certain time limit, depending on how hard the potion is. AKA, Swifty Draught would have three minutes, Wiggenweld would have four, Invigoration would have five, etc.


After all the potions are done you would look at the scoreboard. First place for each potion could get a certain prize, just like second, third, and anything else. I don't know what the prizes would be, maybe a certain amount of galleons or their own brewing set or ingredients.


This would be a very fun competition that I would be sure to enter. I hope you consider it!

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Bob Titan
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This actually sounds really fun, even though I am not good at brewing xD
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  • Crane
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I think veara planned one that was never realised once :/
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Veara Titan
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Yeah, I was actually going to host a Potions tournament... until things came up and, you know, I resigned.

I was going to name the tournament after the tournament that Zygmunt Budge wanted to enter, but couldn't ;) (There's some Potions trivia for you)
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  • Annnub
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Ooo this seems fun ;3 (Hint: Love me pls)

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