Have you heard!?
The new server update is coming!
Why Saturday @ 2am, 07/11/2015 Of course!
Excited?????? New features of course! changes and patches! more info at @ wiki.knockturnmc.com > Patch 7.0 - Hey Kids We're Moving Patch
First of all congratulations to the newly promoted mini-moderator! Maymay Blackthorn!
also newly promoted moderators! from mini-mod to moderator Jackson Kennedy, Alice Cunningham, and Fance Kennedy! they're now full-fledged moderators!
Congratulations also to the new professors! Gracie Baker, Shey Reynolds, and Neji Bartholomew!
Message them a hello in-game!
Sadly, some of our professors have decided to resign, Reegan Cole, Gabi Cole, Jacob Cole and Savannah Cole
(But don't worry Reegan and Savannah are still staffs )
Wish them the best in future endeavours!
(p.s. there is a full list of staff on the websites staff list! check it out! and when they're online and you need help hit em' up!)
Thinking about entering staff on knockturnmc!? Apply now! any 2nd Years are eligible to apply!
You know what's also coming, we know you've guys have been waiting for Harry Potter ages!
Always been curious for what's on the other side!? In here we can find out!
Its LONDON, coming with the new update we're releasing the city! Exclusive Apartments, Stores and Houses!
Take a sneak peek!
Appealing shopping mall! decorated by our very own builder Fance Kennedy!
Take a look what in-store, signs = prices, in galleons!
Thanks everyone! till the next recent updates for the server!