We are introducing a new way to earn some easy galleons here on Knockturn! All you have to do is make a video of our server!
Different videos can earn different amounts of galleons depending on video length and video quality. So, obviously, longer videos with better quality will earn more galleons than shorter videos with lower quality.
Most videos can earn between 5 and 20 galleons each (By "most", I mean that if you make a 2 hour video of our server that's 100% awesome, we may give you more...)! Also, if you become a frequent recorder for the server, you may get your own payment box in Gringotts!
To have your video qualify for payment, your video needs to have the server name and IP in the description of the video (KnockturnMC and hp.knockturnmc.com). We'd also suggest putting something like "Knockturn", "Hogwarts" or "Harry Potter" in your title, but you don't have to!
To submit your video, please mail the link to your video and your Youtube/Twitch username to FancePants right here on the forums.