Best Answer Pandette , 23 September 2016 - 01:05 PM
@whiteNnerdy234 Under these circumstances I must tell you unfortunately it would not be retrievable due to the fact that:
a. it was not lost due to bug, it was probably lost due to him throwing it out of the inventory then he got kicked for flying bc he was suddenly in the air without a broom.
b. it was occuring while someone else was on your account, and account sharing is against not just our rules but also mojangs eula.
For reference, in bold at the top of the rules, it states that anything that occurs on an account if you let someone have access it will be treated as if you had done it yourself. We can't testify whether a player is a 'brother' 'sister' or 'friend' and its also against Mojang's Terms of Use.
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