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Transparency with staff punishments

Started by Pandette , Oct 14 2016 04:51 PM

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  • Pandette
  • Special Advisor to the Wizengamot
  • Administrators
  • 2648 posts
  • IGN:iarepandemonium

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to give a little more information, because there has been a lot of issues and I want to approach this from both sides.

First off, when it comes to a staff dealing with a trolling / unruly member, please leave it to staff to handle this. Another user stepping in to a matter staff is supposed to handle will only complicate it. I know it feels like some of you want to help, but it's only making it more frustrating for the staff member trying to handle the issue. Because where previously it was one person, its now two. Especially when this person is a new member, they may mistake you for staff, and then claim we are being unfair because they think whatever you say is what staff is saying. So when it comes to dealing with people that are rule breaking, don't step it.


Staff may not always handle all situations to what you consider satisfactory. If you feel this is the case, please report it on the Offenses Section of the forum. This way we can discuss why the way they handled it was poorly, and properly inform the staff member how to handle it, or hand out a Staff Warning, if they do not.

I know a lot of people don't know about or realize what staff warnings are, so I am here to inform. Since it was probably our fault we didn't let everyone know what was going on.

A Staff warning has 3 levels:

Level 1 - A month
Level 2 - Six Months
Level 3 - Forever

These are how long a staff warning can last. If someone gets more than 3 of these warnings, they are removed from staff. If they get 3 level 3 warnings, they can never be staff again.

It has come to our attention that some people thought staff was just getting away with whatever they like. This is not the case. We hand these out when people report stuff, but a lot of people don't report stuff because they think it will do nothing.

Reporting Staff Abuse Helps

Everything that has been discussed in the offenses section of which I have two examples has been handled.

1) Josh burning stars wands >> He received a level 2 staff warning & the wands were replaced.
2) Gracen letting people sit whereever, despite this being a rule repetitively told people cannot do. >> She received a level 2 staff warning.

We realize this was not made apparent, so we are going to do our best that when an offense is brought to us, we will tell you what punishment the staff member received, so you know that they are responsible for their actions and to follow the rules, just as much as any other member of the server.

We apologize for not making this as transparent as it should have been.

I hope this clarifies some stuff.

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