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Threatening People With 'getting them banned/fired, etc'

Started by Pandette , Dec 10 2016 12:50 AM

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  • Pandette
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Hello everyone,


Please be aware that threatening to get someone banned or removed from a staff position etc, when you have no power to do so, is getting really tiresome recently.  It seems I can't go a day without hearing about someone recently saying they are threatening someone else to do something they have no power to do.


So heres a friendly reminder: The only person with real power to do any of things is me.  I don't do any of these things without proof of a good reason for doing it, and someone breaking the rules.  I also don't do it without consulting the co-owners, and I also don't do it for people I am friends with, even if they are related to me by lastname.


So please stop acting like y'all have power: You don't.



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Elsa Ollivander
  • Elsa Ollivander
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Please say it louder for the people in the back. I think their ears are still clogged
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Kat Kirkland
  • Kat Kirkland
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I still don't understand why people find it okay to threaten others with demotion and ban when they can't do anything? What goal are they trying to achieve?
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