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Started by TechDweebGaming , Jun 23 2015 01:21 AM

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  • TechDweebGaming
  • Squib
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  • IGN:Jakob Shaw

So I heard on the server that after you graduate from year seven, there is actually a job tree you can work your way up like Auror and Death Eater, and after some questions, I came to the conclusion that it was a really cool feature, but there's a problem... No-one can enjoy it! To graduate from year one ALONE takes 50 classes attended using just that to get EXP, I know there are other methods, but the best is classes, and even those take forever. This week there are 28 classes scheduled, and we all know some of them wont end out happening, and people aren't able to spend there entire lives on the server. I get that leveling up isn't supposed to take only a week, but were talking year one here, meaning higher years like 5 must be IMPOSSIBLE. Therefor, I would like to suggest that you re-balance that system a bit. Its a great idea, and other systems like wand EXP and broom EXP is very well balanced, but leveling up is a bit to difficult and keeps people away from the later game. Hopefully you will consider this for the benefit of the server :D


~Jakob Shaw (TechDweebGaming)

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Bob Titan
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It's not supposed to be EASY to go up a year. I think that is is well balanced. And that would not really be fair to those who had to work to get years up.
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  • TechDweebGaming
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  • IGN:Jakob Shaw

It's not supposed to be EASY to go up a year. I think that is is well balanced. And that would not really be fair to those who had to work to get years up.


I know its not supposed to be easy, but it also shouldn't take a month for the easiest level up. It WOULD be unfair to those other players so if it was the physical EXP requirements that were changed they could have there years recalculated based on there current exp with the new values so they can rank up more, and if its just more methods for earning EXP then w/e, as far as I know EXP also used to be easier to get because of some kind of end of year exams or something? Don't know if that's true though, just heard it from other people.

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  • Pandette
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Roleplay year in the server = 1 month.  People who are dedicated users usually take 1 week for year 1, two weeks for year two, three weeks for year 3, four for year 4 (ie 1 year), 5 for year 5 etc.  It is supposed to take awhile.  There is NO job tree set up after school yet, we still don't even have 2nd year classes.  At the moment the main feature of the server is being a student.  We have plans for after school but we don't have them yet.

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  • Pandette
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Additionally, the 'year end exams' were the ONLY way to level up before.  Until about february there was NO EXP system at all.  For you, the server seems pretty finished, however, many people on this server (anyone who is year 5 and up mostly) have been on here since before there was even the current spells plugin & there was literally no way to level up then.  We come up with new features all the time and you are seeing one of the slower periods of time because we have been making a major update versus smaller regular updates.

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Athens Booth
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It is balanced the way it is. Staff should not make it way too easy.

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  • TechDweebGaming
  • Squib
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  • 24 posts
  • IGN:Jakob Shaw

Ok than its just me. Plz lock staff.
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