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New Forums/Etc

Started by Pandette , Feb 10 2017 03:32 AM

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  • Pandette
  • Special Advisor to the Wizengamot
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  • 2648 posts
  • IGN:iarepandemonium

Hey Everyone, we are starting our transition to the new website/forums.  These forums will be put to read only shortly.  In the mean time, if you go to the home page or just to discourse.knockturnmc.com you will have a link to the new forums !


Hope it all goes well!



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  • Da_DrDude
  • O.W.L. Student
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  • 100 posts
  • IGN:John [_Quincy] Adams

Are you going to keep this one up for a while?  I haven't been able to go on MC lately, and I need to so I can get the activation code

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  • Pandette
  • Special Advisor to the Wizengamot
  • Administrators
  • 2648 posts
  • IGN:iarepandemonium

Are you going to keep this one up for a while?  I haven't been able to go on MC lately, and I need to so I can get the activation code

this one will not be taken down, it will be set to read only, so you can always come back and read it.

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