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Just some random ideas

Started by Katna Malamius , Jul 14 2015 11:49 AM

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Katna Malamius
  • Katna Malamius
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  • IGN:Katna Malamius - Poisin_Kat

First: Obsidia, modified Latin for blockade. Places a 2x2 of barriers, does not replace other blocks, just air. Constantly blocking doors/trolling will be punishable, can go to 4x4 and last for 2 minutes (starts as 10 seconds). Movements: Swish up to the left, Swish down to the right, Swish down to the left. Backfire: You will be trapped. Year: 3


Second: Devovea, modified Latin for sacrifice (in the way of devoting yourself), takes 3 hearts from you to completely conceal their wounds and fill them with power (Resistance). When first casted, it takes 4 hearts, and works down to 3, along with the resistance timer. Swish up to the left, Swish down to the right, Swish down to the right. Backfire: Only self harm. Year: 2


Third: Adiuuat, modified Latin for vaporize. Temporarily makes a 2x2x4 tunnel through all water. Will cave in after a while. Eventually does a 4x4x7 of water, and stays for 2 minutes. Year: 4  


Do whatever with these. :P



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  • Pandette
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The last one is impossible.  I can't make water do something special in minecraft the gravity is not in the api and it would be hours (maybe days) of work looking for it in nms.

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Katna Malamius
  • Katna Malamius
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  • IGN:Katna Malamius - Poisin_Kat

Ah, ok. I was just thinking of an effect similar to sponge, like possibly make Sponge invisible, and place it for a split second? Then update the water a bit later? That was what I was thinking, but if it is impossible, so be it.

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